Is it healthy to eat every other day?

Is it healthy to eat every other day?

A new research study published in Cell Metabolism suggests that for healthy, non-obese adults, not only is eating every other day safe to practice for at least several months, but it also has weight loss, general health and potential anti-aging benefits.

What is the meaning of alternative?

a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities, as of things, propositions, or courses of action, the selection of which precludes any other possibility: You have the alternative of riding or walking. one of the things, propositions, or courses of action that can be chosen: The alternative to riding is walking.

What is alternative sentence?

Alternative sentences are sometimes offered and include different combinations of the following: a suspended sentence, probation, fines, restitution, community service and deferred adjudication/pretrial diversion.

What is the verb form of alternative?

On a checkerboard, black squares alternate with white ones. As a verb, alternate means to do something in turns. As a noun, an alternate is a replacement.

Can alternative word?

What is another word for can?

canister tin
receptacle barrel
canakin cannikin
package vessel
bottle bucket

How do you identify vague words?

Vague words are weak words that lack a solid definition. They either have definitions that mention the lack of specificity or contain many definition entries that vary in meaning (slang not included). Strong words have one or two (three at the most) solid definitions that are similar to each other.

Is everyone a vague word?

Nouns that are broad and undefined fall into the vague category. These are words like stuff, things, people, everyone, no one, guys, girls, men, women, kids, animals, them, they, etc.