Is it legal to pay rent to parents?

Is it legal to pay rent to parents?

Paying rent –You can pay rent to your parents by transferring money to their bank account or pay via a cheque. Rental income is taxable for parents – Rent paid by you to your parents shall be taxable for them. They will include this income under the head ‘income from house property’ in their tax return.

How do you get your mom to move out?

Tell her how soon you want her to move out. If possible, give her a reasonable amount of time to find a new place to live. Say something like, “I’d like to shoot for the end of the month,” or “I think 30 days should be enough time to find a place.

How can I get my parents out of my house?

Try a trick to drive them out, if you really want. For example, spray the house with egg perfume or something similar that they can’t stand the smell of. If they insist on staying home though, tell them that they could go out and that you could make the situation right. (Just open all windows for a long time!).

How do you get your parents to let you hang out with a guy?

Ask her if you can have them over to your house, with your mom there for a movie night. Don’t give her any reason not to trust you and understand she just wants to protect you…not all guys are respectful to girls. Be glad she gives a *hit about your safety. Introduce her to them.

How do I ask my parents to move out?

How to Convince Your Parents to Move Somewhere

  1. Let them know there are things at your living place (and house/ apartment) that can be better for everyone.
  2. Research of the possibility.
  3. Be more responsible.
  4. Make an interesting presentation.

Should I take my 17 year olds phone at night?

Yes definitely. It removes the temptation to be online when they should be resting and the light from the phones is proven to disturb our deep restorative sleep patterns. I used to so that my child could sleep and for their physical and mental health, but there were so many tantrums and tears!