Is it OK to not talk to your mother-in-law?

Is it OK to not talk to your mother-in-law?

While ignoring your mother-in-law completely should be a last resort, you can reduce the amount of time you spend with her. It’s absolutely acceptable for your spouse to attend some family events without you, and this may even make your mother-in-law happier.

Should I leave my husband because of his mother?

No marriage is perfect. IF his mother was a problem before you married him, you should have been aware of that and married him anyway, what did you expect? If she’s that bad of a MIL, then leave because he will always side with his mother because he’s too much of a child to confront her and tell her to leave you alone.

Why my husband loves his mother more than me?

It seems that you feel like a third person in your own relationship, as your husband prioritises his commitments to his mother over his commitments to you. She is more involved in his decision-making than you, which may seem like taking away your place in his life.

Who comes first in a marriage wife or mother?

One verse explicitly lays out what a husband should do upon saying “I do.” According to Ephesians 5:29, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

How can I divert my husband from his mother?

Establish Clear Boundaries It is important that you set boundaries and let him know that you will not behave like his mother. He can act like a boy with his mother all he wants, but when he is with you, he should act like an independent adult who can take care of himself.

How can I make my husband love my wife more than his mother?

So if you have arrived here looking for advice on how to make your husband love you more, then keep scrolling down to know:

  1. An unhealthy competition. There should be no competition in the first place.
  2. Stop Interfering.
  3. Husband loves for parents and wife is different.
  4. Work on yourself more.
  5. Build a healthy boundary.

Why does my husband act different around his family?

“It is very common for individuals to act differently in front of their families than they do with friends and/or significant others. This can be because they have a different comfort level with their family or because they are trying to project a certain image,” says Dr.