Is it OK to say have a nice weekend?

Is it OK to say have a nice weekend?

A weekend is considered to be Saturday and Sunday in American culture, so it wouldn’t be normal to wish someone a good weekend when they’re already in the weekend. However, it is acceptable to say, “Have a good rest of the weekend!” Or you can say something else like it. Thank you.

What is the response to have a good weekend?

Best reply to “Have a nice weekend”?

  • “Same to you.”
  • “You too.”
  • “I wish you, too.”

What’s up best reply?

“What’s up?” or here (West Midlands of England) commonly just “sup” is a general greeting, you can response with answers like “Not much”, “Nothing”, “Alright” etc. In this context, the response is just a return of the greeting, or a confirmation that all is going normally.

Is it a nice weekend too or as well?

You have a nice weekend as well. Both phrases are correct. The phrase “as well” is more formal than “too.”

Have a good weekend vs have a nice weekend?

If you say have a good weekend. It is meant for the forthcoming weekend. We cannot say have a good weekend for the weekend that has just gone by. Furthermore we say have a nice weekend.

How do you say have a good evening?

Here are some of the great ways to say – Have a nice evening.

  1. Have a beautiful evening.
  2. Have a joyful evening.
  3. Have a delightful evening.
  4. Have an adorable eve.
  5. Have great day ahead/night ahead.
  6. Have fruitful evening.

What do you say in the evening?

Polite Ways to Say Good Evening

  • Goodbye.
  • See you later.
  • Until next time…
  • Take Care.
  • I’m off.
  • I have to run/go.
  • Farewell.
  • Take it easy.

Is it have a night or evening?

‘Good night’, usually written as ‘goodnight’, is equivalent to ‘goodbye’, said when you are parting from someone in the evening or shortly before your or their bedtime. “Have a good evening” is expressing the hope that someone will enjoy themselves during the evening, or during the rest of the evening.

Can I say good evening at 5pm?

after 12pm = good afternoon (have a) good night = only said when saying goodbye, after 5pm, (but usually only after 9-10pm) – always means “goodbye for the last time tonight, sleep well” etc good evening = said anytime after 5pm. either for a greeting or for goodbye.

Can you say good evening at 11pm?

If you are parting and going your ways, yes you should say goodnight as that ends your conversation but if you have just met the person at 11pm, a good evening or just a Hi! could do. You are supposed to say gud evening. It’s only when you are leaving the company or the other is leaving, you say gud night.

Can I say good evening at 9pm?

“Good evening” is a form of “hello”. “Good evening” is something that can be used from roughly 5 PM on. “Good night” can also be said from 5 PM on, but usually means one of two things: “goodbye (for the rest of the day, because we are leaving work, the bar, etc.)”

Is 10pm an evening?

Evening is typically the hours between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Night is generally any hours that the sun is not above the horizon.

What do you wish after 7pm?

7 Answers. Both “Good afternoon” and “Good evening” are perfectly appropriate greetings at 6pm. Pick one, and don’t overanalyze it. If you say “Good evening” at 4pm, or “Good afternoon” at 8pm, you might get funny looks, but near the boundary, either is fine.

Is 11am Morning or afternoon?

Using numbers from 1 to 12, followed by am or pm, the 12-hour clock system identifies all 24 hours of the day. For example, 5 am is early in the morning, and 5 pm is late in the afternoon; 1 am is one hour after midnight, while 11 pm is one hour before midnight.

What do you say after 4 pm?

Momentum Dashboard’s daily greetings are set to change at the following times:

  • Good Morning. 5:00 AM — 11:59 AM.
  • Good Afternoon. 12:00 PM — 4:59 PM.
  • Good Evening. 5:00 PM — 4:59 AM. What is Momentum Dashboard?

Can I say good evening at 4 pm?

Yes. After 6pm it becomes evening. However, perceptions change. Some people may think you are being sarcastic if you say good afternoon after 4.30pm.

How do you greet after 12?

good afternoon : Anytime after 12:00 PM to 04:00 PM on meeting for the first time. good evening : Anytime after 04:00 PM to midnight or 12:00 AM on meeting for the first time. good night : Usually on parting in the evenings or nights. good day : Usually on parting in the daytime.

Is 4 30pm an afternoon or evening?

I’d say afternoon. While evening doesn’t really have a definition, I usually think of it as when work gets over, or the time between when people eat their ‘night meal’ and when it gets dark. Evening starts @ 5pm. I’m getting married @ 4:30 in the afternoon.