Is K12 com really free?

Is K12 com really free?

K12-powered online public schools in California are tuition-free,* offer you and your child flexibility. and combine physical materials and online tools to provide your child with a personalized education. Curriculum for grades K–5 is mastery based, which encourages students to learn and grow at their own pace.

Does K12 pay for your Internet?

Families with students in Grades K-8: • The School will reimburse a single-student family $9.95 per month towards the partial costs associated with their student’s Internet access. Families with multiple K-8 children schooling with the School will be reimbursed $19.90 per month.

How do you succeed in homeschooling?

8 Steps to Homeschool Success

  1. Research Your Homeschool Options.
  2. Investigate Your State’s Homeschooling Requirements.
  3. Join a Local Homeschooling Group.
  4. Decide on Homeschool Curriculum.
  5. Create Your Homeschooling Space.
  6. Set Specific Homeschooling Goals.
  7. Define a Homeschooling Schedule.
  8. Watch Out for Common Homeschooling Pitfalls.

Is homeschooling hard to do?

If you homeschool, you already know homeschooling is hard. If you’re thinking about homeschooling and think it’s not, let me warn you…it is. You’re trying to make the decision whether or not you should take the plunge and make this huge life change of homeschooling. Homeschooling it hard, but it’s a worthy cause.

How do homeschoolers stay sane?

  1. #2 Have a morning routine for your children.
  2. #3 Determine your homeschooling priorities for the day.
  3. #4 Unless someone is dying, you are at work, “full stop,” as the English say.
  4. #5 Keep your phone and all connections to the outside world off.
  5. #6. Reduce your task load.
  6. #7 Plan your meals in advance and keep them simple.

How do I start homeschooling today?


  1. Review the homeschool laws by state (or country).
  2. Understand parent qualifications for your area.
  3. Figure out your child’s learning style.
  4. Deschool your child (and yourself!).
  5. Find a homeschool support community, including local activities.
  6. *Choose a homeschool learning method.

What are the qualifications to homeschool your child?

Homeschooling in California Requirements Children ages 6 and up must be enrolled in a legal school. Home-based private schools must file a Private School Affidavit to begin homeschooling. Parents who file the private school affidavit must provide all curricular, instructional, and other materials.

How do I Unschool my child?

How to Unschool

  1. Give your love generously and criticism sparingly.
  2. Provide a rich environment.
  3. Bring the world to your children and your children to the world.
  4. Surround your child with text of all kinds and he/she will learn to read.
  5. It doesn’t matter when something is learned.
  6. Don’t worry about how fast or slow they are learning.

What is the easiest subject in the world?

Top 10 Easiest School Subjects

  1. 1 Gym. Ya it is if you care some girls don’t understand that dressing out is important at my school.
  2. 2 Art. Art is not that hard.
  3. 3 English. English is not that difficult but again same with the choir.
  4. 4 Music.
  5. 5 Spelling.
  6. 6 Math.
  7. 7 Science.
  8. 8 Social Studies.