Is the non custodial parent responsible for medical bills?

Is the non custodial parent responsible for medical bills?

In some states, the non-custodial parent is responsible for uninsured medical expenses that exceed either a set amount or his or her support obligation, while in other states, parents are required to split the cost of uninsured medical expenses based on their respective monthly incomes.

How long can my kid stay on my insurance?

26 years

Can my doctor refuse to see me if I owe money?

The key part: it has to be an emergency. Meaning, they can refuse if your condition is not life threatening. Most offices put these policies in writing, so be sure to check. You may have signed an agreement that your account will be in good standing before receiving further treatment.

How Long Can creditors come after you?

between four and six years

How long does being blacklisted last?

It tracks all your accounts and indicates where, over a period of two years, you have missed payments or gone into arrears on an account. Then after two years, this adverse information simply disappears.

Can I get a job if I am blacklisted?

Being blacklisted will decrease your chances to get a new job. Some agencies have denied job applications when people are blacklisted. But, this doesn’t mean you will be rejected in all cases. You should still do your best to look for ways of generating income.

How do I check if I’m blacklisted?

How to check if you have been blacklisted?

  1. TransUnion. One of the largest credit bureaus in South Africa, Transunion have an SMS option to find out if you have been blacklisted.
  2. Experian. Another leading South African credit bureau, Experian, also offer you a free credit report every year.
  3. Compuscan.

What to do when you are blacklisted?

So you’ve been ‘blacklisted’, what to do now? We’ve gathered 3 tips to get you off the infamous blacklist:

  1. Pay off your Debt. It’s as simple as that, by paying off your debt, you’re getting yourself 1 step closer to being in the clear.
  2. Check your Details.
  3. Contact your Credit Provider.

How do I get my bank account after being blacklisted?

How to Get Bank Account When You Have a ChexSystems Record

  1. Find a Non ChexSystems Bank.
  2. Open a Second Chance Checking Account.
  3. Get an Online (Internet) Bank Account.
  4. Get a Secured Credit Card.
  5. Get a Prepaid Visa / Debit Card.
  6. Wait 5 years (from time of record entry into database)
  7. Fight ChexSystems.

What do you do if you are blacklisted?

What to do if you’ve been blacklisted:

  1. Reach out to the company and request an in-person conversation.
  2. Ask for constructive feedback about what went wrong and what could be done to correct the mistake.
  3. Be willing to accept the advice of the person who’s blacklisted you.
  4. Follow through.