Is there a case net for Kansas?

Is there a case net for Kansas?

Kansas State Records | StateRecords.orghttps://kansas.staterecords.org

How do I find out if a lawsuit has been filed against a company?

Information may be found by searching Company Legal News, BBLS Legal Documents Search; Litigation and Dockets. Justia federal court filings; Stanford Class Action Reporter; State court websites; Pacer dockets (not available at Newman Library). On Bloomberg, Search Litigation and Dockets for a specific company.

What is a court not of record?

In contrast, in courts not of record, oral proceedings are not recorded, and the judge makes his or her decision based on notes and memory. In most “not of record” proceedings, the parties may appear personally, without lawyers.

What is a precedent in simple terms?

Precedent refers to a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts, or similar legal issues. Precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts.

Why is precedent so important?

Each court decision is supposed to be based on an earlier decision, which is called “precedent.” To show that your constitutional rights have been violated, you point to good court decisions in earlier cases and describe how the facts in those cases are similar to the facts in your case.

What is a precedent example?

The definition of precedent is a decision that is the basis or reason for future decisions. An example of precedent is the legal decision in Brown v. Board of Education guiding future laws about desegregation.

How do you find legal precedents?

In common law legal systems, a precedent or authority is a legal case that establishes a principle or rule. This principle or rule is then used by the court or other judicial bodies use when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts.

What is not a precedent?

Definitions of unprecedented. adjective. having no precedent; novel.

Is case law the same as precedent?

In Civil law and pluralist systems precedent is not binding but case law is taken into account by the courts. Binding precedent relies on the legal principle of stare decisis. Stare decisis means to stand by things decided. It ensures certainty and consistency in the application of law.

What is the difference between case law and statute law?

Under Case Law, in each period a Court of Law can, in principle, either take a forward looking, tough, or a myopic, weak decision. Under Statute Law, all Courts are constrained to behave in the same way (by the relevant part of the “Statute Book”).

What is meant by statute law?

A statute law is a written law produced by Parliament which originates from decisions made in other courts and the country’s written constitution. It is the highest type of law which passes Acts onto the Houses of Parliament where they debate whether the Act should exist or not.

What are three sources of legislative intent?


  • the text of the bill as proposed to the legislative body.
  • amendments to the bill that were proposed and accepted or rejected,
  • the record of hearings on the topic.
  • legislative records or journals.
  • speeches and floor debate made prior to the vote on the bill.

Which is the most important part in case law?

Reasoning/Analysis This is the core of case law. The reasoning or analysis component is very important. Analysis is usually the lengthy component of a decision. A court explains its reasoning using the key facts and the relevant law.

How Case law is the source of law?

Case law may extend the application of legislation and is deemed to form part of the law. In other jurisdictions (mainly civil law jurisdictions) judicial decisions are formally only deemed to interpret the existing law and are not a binding source of law, although in practice they are often treated as authoritative.