Is Unproportional a real word?

Is Unproportional a real word?

No, the word meaning that something is not proportional is ‘disproportionate’. However, people will sometimes mistakenly use ‘unproportional’ because…

What’s another word for disproportionately?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disproportionate, like: excessive, asymmetrical, superfluous, asymmetric, incommensurate, unequal, inadequate, irregular, unbalanced, uneven and unrelative.

What is another word for excessive?

Some common synonyms of excessive are exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, and inordinate. While all these words mean “going beyond a normal limit,” excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.

What does it mean to be out of proportion?

: lacking the correct or appropriate relationship with the size, shape, or position of (some other part of the same thing) His ears were drawn out of proportion with his head.

What’s the meaning of unfair?

marked by injustice, partiality, or deception

What does fair and unfair mean?

adj. 1 free from discrimination, dishonesty, etc.; just; impartial. 2 in conformity with rules or standards; legitimate.

What is another word for unfairly?

In this page you can discover 73 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unfair, like: unjust, inequitable, unrightful, unequal, unethical, wrong, dishonorable, dishonest, wicked, evasive and fair.

What is another word for unjust?


  • biased,
  • inequitable,
  • partisan,
  • prejudiced,
  • unequal,
  • unfair,
  • unrealistic,
  • unreasonable.

Is it injust or unjust?

A: Well, you won’t find “injust” in standard dictionaries, but it is indeed a word—an antiquated adjective that may be having a revival. The Oxford English Dictionary, which describes the word as “obsolete,” says “injust” means the same as “unjust”: that is, not just.

What makes something unjust?

The definition of unjust is something unfair or not morally right. If an innocent man is found guilty because the police lied, this is an example of an unjust verdict.

Whats the opposite of unjust?

Antonyms: retributory, retributive, fitting, meet, vindicatory, just, rightful(a), conscionable. Synonyms: inequitable, unfair.

How do you use unjust in a sentence?

Unjust sentence example. The king had sent them there to make the people obey his unjust laws. It would be unjust , however, to say that he was the determined enemy of all progress. This was unjust to the many men who were working, not without success, to raise the Republic out of its many difficulties.

What is an example of an unjust law?

There are many unjust laws around the world, the most obvious being those that discriminate between the rights given to different groups. In the United States, the most egregious examples tend to be on a state rather than on a federal level. Examples include laws denying equal treatment to homosexuals.

What is unjust rule?

adjective. not just; lacking in justice or fairness: unjust criticism; an unjust ruler. Archaic. unfaithful or dishonest.

Is unjust and unfair the same?

The difference between Unfair and Unjust When used as adjectives, unfair means not beautiful, whereas unjust means not fair, just or right. Unfair is also verb with the meaning: to make ugly.

What is an unjust person?

Unjust behavior is improper or dishonest: “The professor acted in an unjust manner when he gave everyone an F just because there was a rumor that his students didn’t like him.”

What is a better word than hope?

SYNONYMS. aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream. longing, yearning, craving, hankering.

What is an example of hope?

An example of hope is when a person believes his life situation will approve and his run of back luck will end. To have confidence; trust. Hope is defined as the action of wishing or desiring that something will occur. An example of hope is when you wish for a victory by your team.

Is hope a positive word?

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.”

Is hope an emotion or feeling?

Most current theories of emotion do not include hope as an emotion (at least not a prototypic emotion). Averill bases his conclusion that hope is an emotion on the findings of a study that compared hope to two other emotions (love and anger).

What is the most beautiful 5 letter word?