Is Walima Sunnah or Fard?

Is Walima Sunnah or Fard?

Since Walima is Sunnah and not fard, if anyone does not perform it for any reason it is not considered a sin. However, if anyone intends to offer Walima with good intention, it is like following the Sunnah of the Prophet.

When should Walima be done?

The timing varies by culture and opinion; for example some believe it should take place: at the time of the wedding contract (nikah) after nikah and prior to consummation. at the time of the wedding procession (Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari, 9/287)

What is Maskahwin?

What is a Maskahwin (Mahar)? Mahar is a gift given by the groom to the bride after the solemnization ceremony. It symbolises the beginning of a husband’s responsibility towards his wife in fulfilling her everyday needs. Mahar can be in cash or benefits, such as gold, silver or money.

What do you give for Hantaran?

According to Islam, the only gift is from the groom to the bride which is the mahar. It symbolizes the beginning of a husband’s responsibility towards his wife in fulfilling her everyday needs. It can be in cash (minimum S$100 according to ROMM) or some form of jewelry.

What is duit Hantaran for?

For those of you who are not aware of what duit hantaran is, it is basically a sum of money that the groom gives to the bride’s parents, pretty much like a dowry.

What is Hantaran in Malay wedding?

In Malay culture, the hantaran (part of the dowry) is a gift from the groom to the bride, and vice versa. There is also the tradition of duit hantaran or gift of money to his bride’s family. The amount would have been agreed upon during the adat bertunang.

What should I bring to Malay wedding?

Traditionally, Malay men wear baju Melayu with a songkok and songket, but a simple long or short-sleeved shirt with some long pants and covered shoes would suffice. If you are invited to a dinner reception instead, a formal dress code is implied, so you can dress as fancy as you’d like!