Is Wilkes Barre PA a safe place to live?

Is Wilkes Barre PA a safe place to live?

Wilkes-Barre has a violent crime rate that is 50 percent higher than the Pennsylvania average and 37 percent higher than the national average, while Scranton actually has a lower violent crime rate than average.”

What is Wilkes Barre Pa famous for?

Wilkes-Barre was settled in 1769 and reached the height of its prosperity in the 19th century when coal reserves were discovered nearby. This discovery led to the city being nicknamed “The Diamond City”.

How dangerous is Wilkes-Barre PA?

The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Wilkes-Barre is 1 in 37. Based on FBI crime data, Wilkes-Barre is not one of the safest communities in America. Relative to Pennsylvania, Wilkes-Barre has a crime rate that is higher than 92% of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes.

How far is Wilkes-Barre from Philly?

98 miles

Is it Wilkes-Barre or Wilkes-Barre?

Pronunciation. i’ve lived in wilkes-barre my whole life, and the general pronunciation consensus seems to be very evenly divided between “wilkes-bear” and “wilkes-berry”.

What state is Wilkes Barre?


How far is Wilkes Barre from Scranton?

16.00 miles

What river runs through Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania?

Susquehanna River

Why is the Susquehanna River so low?

Drought is a principal cause of water availability shortages in the Susquehanna River Basin. The Basin is susceptible to extended drought due to varied topography, geology, and climatic influences.

What is the deepest river in Pennsylvania?

What lives in the Susquehanna River?

The Susquehanna is well-known for its large mass of smallmouth bass. The Susquehanna is also filled with a great deal of walleye, catfish, and smaller panfish. Other fish consisting of musky, northern pike, pickerel, American shad, and much more are found within the bases of the river.

Are there sharks in the Susquehanna River?

A shark has been caught in the Susquehanna River near here. Noted outdoorsman Ken Hunter caught a nine-foot Bull Shark in the West Branch of the Susquehanna between Muncy and Montoursville on Monday. It weighed about 400 pounds and is currently in cold storage at Helmrich’s Seafood in Williamsport.

Is it safe to eat fish from Susquehanna River?

It’s safe and it’s good. Meanwhile, the Fish and Boat Commission advises to limit catfish intake to one per month. That’s because they are bottom feeders and are susceptible to picking up those PCBs. Carp are bottom feeders as well.

How deep is the Susquehanna River in PA?

Upstream, the average river depth is only a few feet, and perhaps only 15 or 20 feet at the mouth.

What is the oldest river in the world?

Finke River’s

How many gallons of water on average flow through the Susquehanna River every day?

22 billion gallons

Who was the greatest enemy of the Susquehannock?

In April 1663, the Susquehannock village on the upper Ohio River was attacked by Seneca, Cayuga, and Onondaga warriors of the western Iroquois.

Why did Powhatan decide to help the English?

Powhatan wanted to see what he could get from establishing a tenuous relationship with the English through this leader, John Smith. He may have thought that the English would starve and decide to leave. He had made the choices to accommodate and then to avoid the English.

What ended the Powhatan Confederacy?

Treaty of 1646 In October 1646 the General Assembly of Virginia signed a peace treaty with Necotowance, King of the Indians, which brought the Third Anglo-Powhatan War to an end. In the treaty, the tribes of the Confederacy became tributaries to the King of England, paying a yearly tribute to the Virginia governor.

What Indian tribes were in Pennsylvania?

The major Pennsylvania Indian tribes were the Delaware, Susquehannock, Shawnee, and Iroquois.

What three important documents were written in Pennsylvania?

Historic Documents

  • Magna Carta 1215.
  • Columbus Letter Announcing His Discovery 1493.
  • The Mayflower Compact 1620.
  • Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges 1701.
  • Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Patrick Henry, 1775.
  • The Declaration of Independence 1776.
  • Articles of Confederation 1777.
  • Constitution of the United States ratified 1788.

What are the 10 Native American tribes?

The Cherokee tribe is the second most common, with 285,476 Americans identifying with that group…

Are there Native American reservations in Pennsylvania?

There are no federally recognized Indian tribes in Pennsylvania, although the most recent census reports an American Indian population of more than 12,000.

Can a non Native American live on a reservation?

Yes. As U.S. citizens, American Indians and Alaska Natives are generally subject to federal, state, and local laws. On federal Indian reservations, however, only federal and tribal laws apply to members of the tribe, unless Congress provides otherwise.

How many full blooded Native American are left?

Today, there are over five million Native Americans in the United States, 78% of whom live outside reservations: California, Arizona and Oklahoma have the largest populations of Native Americans in the United States.

Are reservations dangerous?

On a number of Native American reservations Native Women are murdered at a rate representing ten times the national average. Violent crime rates over all on Native American reservations are 2.5 times the national average while some individual reservations reach 20 times the national average of violent crime.