What are 2 facts about Massachusetts?

What are 2 facts about Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Facts

  • Capital: Boston.
  • Population: 7 million.
  • Nickname: The Bay State.
  • Key Cities: Boston, Springfield, Salem, Cambridge, Plymouth, Worcester.
  • Postal Abbreviation: MA.
  • Major Industries: Life sciences, finance, information technology, manufacturing, renewable energy.
  • Size: 10,565 sq. miles.
  • Lowest point: Atlantic Ocean at sea level.

Is Massachusetts a rich state?

Massachusetts is the third richest state in the United States of America, with a median household income of $77,378 (as of 2019), per capita income of $41,794 (as of 2018), and a personal per capita income of $39,815 (as of 2003). Many of the state’s wealthiest towns are located in the suburban area around Boston.

What fruit is Massachusetts known for?

List of Official State Fruit

State Fruit
Maine Wild Blueberry
Massachusetts Cranberry

Which state is closest to Massachusetts?

Massachusetts borders Vermont and New Hampshire in the north, Rhode Island and Connecticut in the south, and New York in the west. The state is bounded in the east by the Atlantic Ocean.

What food was invented in Massachusetts?

  • From Boston cream pie, to Friendly’s ice cream, to Sam Adams beer, Massachusetts is home to a number of classic food and drink favorites.
  • Cape Cod Potato Chips was founded in 1980 in Hyannis.
  • Marshmallow Fluff first hit the market in 1917.

What candy is made in Massachusetts?

Necco Sweethearts Why? Necco Sweethearts! Made by Necco in Massachusetts for nearly 150 years, Necco Sweethearts, the pastel candy “conversation hearts” stamped with sweet phrases of love and friendship, are the most popular non-chocolate Valentine’s Day candy.

What do New Englanders eat?

10 Truly New England Foods

  • The History of Traditional New England Food.
  • Lobster Roll.
  • Fried Clams.
  • Indian Pudding.
  • Clam Cakes & Chowder.
  • Johnnycakes.
  • Boston Baked Beans.
  • Boiled Dinner.

What is New England famous for?

Tucked away in the northeast, New England is known for its quaint cities, beautiful nature, and a culture all its own. The six New England states — Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, and New Hampshire — have stores, restaurants, foods, symbols, and sayings that only exist in the region.

What seafood is Massachusetts known for?

Massachusetts. Coastal Massachusetts is known for its clams, haddock, and cranberries, and previously cod.

What industry is New England known for?

New England exports food products, ranging from fish to lobster, cranberries, Maine potatoes, and maple syrup. The service industry is important, including tourism, education, financial and insurance services, plus architectural, building, and construction services.

Why is New England so different?

Consider a few facts: The original English settlers of New England were Puritans. New England has a large diversity of cultures stemming from the immigrants that settled there. New England has a drastically different climate and geography compared to the rest of the United States.

What was the most successful economic source in New England?


Which natural resource of New England is considered among the richest in the world?

fishing grounds

Which of the 13 colonies was best to live in?

Virginia: The Original and Best Colony To Live.

What was New England’s most important export?


Which two religious groups settled in the New England colonies?

Puritans were a group of religious Christians who were dissatisfied with the church of England. Separatists were Puritans who wanted to separate from the Church of England entirely, while other Puritans wanted to purify it.

What 3 colonies built a lot of ships?

Within New England, Massachusetts and New Hampshire were the leading producers; Pennsylvania; followed by Virginia and Maryland, launched most of the remaining tonnage. British demand for American natural resources provided a foreign market for colonial shipbuilding.

What religion was the US founded on?

In short, while America did not have a Christian Founding in the sense of creating a theocracy, its Founding was deeply shaped by Christian moral truths. More important, it created a regime that was hospitable to Christians, but also to practitioners of other religions.

What religion was the first settlers in America?

Among Protestants, adherents to Anglicanism, Methodism, the Baptist Church, Congregationalism, Presbyterianism, Lutheranism, Quakerism, Mennonite and Moravian Church were the first to settle in the US, spreading their faith in the new country.

What is the biggest religion in the US?

Christianity is the largest religion in the United States, with the various Protestant Churches having the most adherents.

Who came first in America?

Five hundred years before Columbus, a daring band of Vikings led by Leif Eriksson set foot in North America and established a settlement. And long before that, some scholars say, the Americas seem to have been visited by seafaring travelers from China, and possibly by visitors from Africa and even Ice Age Europe.

What religion was the founding fathers?

Many of the founding fathers—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe—practiced a faith called Deism. Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems.