What are 3 types of evidence?

What are 3 types of evidence?

Evidence: Definition and Types

  • Real evidence;
  • Demonstrative evidence;
  • Documentary evidence; and.
  • Testimonial evidence.

What are the 4 rules of evidence?

There are four Rules of Evidence; Validity, Sufficiency, Authenticity and Currency. The Rules of Evidence are very closely related to the Principles of Assessment and highlight the important factors around evidence collection.

What are the 5 components of an assessment tool?

An assessment tool is made up of the following components: • the context and conditions for the assessment; • the tasks to be administered to the learner; • an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the learner; • the evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance, for example, the decision‑making …

How do you show evidence of student learning?

Evidence of Learning: Direct and Indirect Measures

  1. Capstone projects (scored with a rubric)
  2. Student portfolios (scored with a rubric)
  3. Performance evaluations.
  4. Random sample of student writing (scored with a rubric)
  5. Pre-post assessments (measuring student change over the course or program)
  6. Scores on local exams, quizzes.
  7. National or standardized exam scores.

How do you know if learning has occurred?

What does learning look like?

  1. Explaining something in their own words.
  2. Asking questions.
  3. Making connections.
  4. Recreating (rather than reproducing) information.
  5. Justifying their decisions.
  6. Explaining their thinking.
  7. Talking to each other.
  8. Active – doing something with the information.

How do you know if a lesson has been successful?

How do you know if your lesson plan was effective?

  • Video tape yourself. It is remarkable how much we see when we review a video of ourselves delivering a lesson plan.
  • Ask a trusted colleague to observe you.
  • Ask a trusted colleague to read your lesson plan for you.
  • Take notes during class.
  • Check test scores and homework.

How do you show teaching effectiveness?


  1. Peer assessments, conducted by a colleague or by a teaching support office.
  2. Student outcomes.
  3. Examples of student work.
  4. Information about teaching award nominations or successful applications.
  5. Institutional acknowledgement of teaching excellence.
  6. Relevant course materials.

How do you demonstrate teaching?

Here’s what I learned:

  1. Make it simple. You will most likely have around 30 minutes for your demonstration (maybe up to 45, possibly as few as 20).
  2. Teach what you know.
  3. Be creative, but not too creative.
  4. Practice with undergrads, not colleagues.
  5. Bring syllabi—and hand them out.

What do you mean by teaching effectiveness?

The term “teacher effectiveness” is used broadly, to mean the collection of characteristics, competencies, and behaviours of teachers at all educational levels that enable students to reach desired outcomes, which may include the attainment of specific learning objectives as well as broader goals such as being able to …

What is teacher’s effectiveness?

Teacher effectiveness refers to a set of within-person attributes—personality, motivation, beliefs, and dispositions—that interact with contextual factors (cultural, social, educational) to influence student outcomes. From: Educational Research Review, 2019.

Is a teacher responsible for the effectiveness of teaching?

Effective teachers provide a safe and orderly environment, both physically and emotionally, so students can achieve their potential. They know students learn best if they are in a classroom where they feel safe and confident to attempt new tasks even if at first they are unsure about how to tackle them.

What is considered a teacher’s most valuable decision making strategy?

A teacher’s most valuable decision-making strategy: Apply educational principles and personal practical knowledge. teachers’ attitudes often directly affect their behavior with students and attitudes may predispose individuals to act positively or negatively.

Is teaching an art or a skill?

Teaching Is an Art and a Craft In fact, teaching is both. The skill to teach is cultivated by various means, including learning, reading, training, observation, and experience.

What skills does art develop?

Skills developed through participation in the arts are increasingly important in the workplace and therefore, key to a successful career.

  • FOCUS.

Why teaching is both an art and science?

Teaching is a science, an art, and a craft. A science. It is a science in that there are strategies and practices that a body of research has shown to be effective in enhancing learning. And, like scientists, teachers experiment with new techniques or strategies to see how they work.

What is teaching as an art?

Teaching as an art demonstrates ways in which the teacher may use creative ways to present the material so it is fun and interesting for his or her students. Some examples are games, “hands-on” activities, and/ or movies relating to the topics being covered.