What are factors of 64?

What are factors of 64?

The factors of 64 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64.

What can equal 81?

81 = 1 x 81, 3 x 27, or 9 x 9. Factors of 81: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81. Prime factorization: 81 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 which can also be written 3⁴.

What power of 3 gives you 81?

Exponent Tables and Patterns

Powers of 3 Powers of 9
33=27 93=729
34=81 94=6561
35=243 /td>
36=729 /td>

What multiplied by itself equals 81?

Answer: I. 9 is the no. which when multiplied by itself gives 81.

What multiplied by itself equals 576?

Digit 24 is a value which when multiplied by itself gives the result 576. Hence, 24 × 24 = 576.

What equals 25 when multiplied by itself?


What number multiplied by itself 4 times equals 81?

The number is 3 because: 3•3•3•3=81.

What number times itself equals 49?


What makes up 27?

27 = 1 x 27, or 3 x 9. Factors of 27: 1, 3, 9, 27. Prime factorization: 27 = 3 x 3 x 3, which can also be written 27 = 3³. When 27 is a clue in the FIND THE FACTORS puzzles, the factors are always 3 and 9.

What multiplied by itself 3 times?

A cube is defined as a number multiplied by itself 3 times (x3). A cube root is simply the reverse of this process (x1/3).

What number times itself 3 times equals 27?

This problem asks question “what number times itself 3 times equals 27?” Well, if you take 3 times 3 times 3, that equals 27. Therefore the cube (3rd) root of 27 equals 3.

What time itself 3 times equals 216?

When we took the cube root of 216, we got 6. In order to check our work, we need to cube 6. When we do that, we multiply 6 by itself three times to get 216. This means we got the correct answer!

What is root 3 times root3?

Explanation: Anything times itself, is just the square. And the square of a square root is the number under the root, so. √3⋅√3=3. Answer link.

What is the value of root 3 by 3?

The value of √3 is approximately equal to 1.732. This value is widely used in mathematics. Since root 3 is an irrational number, which cannot be represented in the form of a fraction….Square Root of 3 by Long Division Method.

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What is the cube of under root 3?

Hence, cube root of 8 is 2 and of 27 is 3….How to find Cube root of 3?

Number (x) Cube of Number (x3)
3 3×3×3 = 27
4 4×4×4 = 64
5 5×5×5 = 125
6 6×6×6 = 216

What is the value of 3 root 3 root 3?

If you meant 3√3+√3 , the answer is 4√3 .

How do you prove √ 3 is irrational?

Therefore there exists no rational number r such that r2=3. Hence the root of 3 is an irrational number….Thank you.

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What is the value of 3 Root 4?

Therefore, we get the value of the cube root of 4 equal to 1.5875, which is an almost accurate number.

How do you solve 3 roots?

Set up the problem.

  1. Write down the number whose cube root you want to find. Write the digits in groups of three, using the decimal point as your starting place.
  2. Draw a cube root radical sign over the number.
  3. Place a decimal point above the bar line, directly above the decimal point in the original number.

Is √ 3 an irrational number?

It is denoted mathematically as √3. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 3, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property. The square root of 3 is an irrational number.

What is the square root of 3 in between?

between 1 and 2

How do you simplify square root of 3?

1 Answer

  1. √a3 is same as √a2⋅√a.
  2. This can be simplified. to a√a.
  3. Which is then equal to a32.