What are the 2 methods of scheduling?

What are the 2 methods of scheduling?

Scheduling techniques you should know

  • Mathematical analysis. The first two techniques used by project managers are Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
  • Duration compression. Duration compression is a way to shorten a schedule.

What is medium term scheduling?

Medium-term scheduling involves swapping out a process from main memory. The process can be swapped in later from the point it stopped executing. This can also be called as suspending and resuming the process and is done by the medium-term scheduler. This is helpful in reducing the degree of multiprogramming.

What are the different scheduling criteria?

There are several different criteria to consider when trying to select the “best” scheduling algorithm for a particular situation and environment, including: CPU utilization – Ideally the CPU would be busy 100% of the time, so as to waste 0 CPU cycles. Throughput – Number of processes completed per unit time.

What are the advantages of round robin scheduling?

A big advantage of round robin scheduling over non-preemptive schedulers is that it dramatically improves average response times. By limiting each task to a certain amount of time, the operating system can ensure that it can cycle through all ready tasks, giving each one a chance to run.

What does a process scheduler do?

Process Scheduling is an OS task that schedules processes of different states like ready, waiting, and running. Process scheduling allows OS to allocate a time interval of CPU execution for each process. Another important reason for using a process scheduling system is that it keeps the CPU busy all the time.

What is meant by convoy effect?

Convoy Effect is phenomenon associated with the First Come First Serve (FCFS) algorithm, in which the whole Operating System slows down due to few slow processes. Now, the CPU intensive process is allocated CPU time. As its burst time is high, it takes time to complete.

What is starvation scheduling?

Starvation occurs when a low priority program is requesting for a system resource, but are not able to execute because a higher priority program is utilizing that resource for an extended period. A scheduler is needed to help juggle all the processes trying to use the resources from the CPU.

Will there by convoy effect in SJF?

SJF have 2 versions non preemptive and preemptive.. in non preemptive case ,for the first time due to priority large burst time process may occupy cpu so convoy effect is possible. In SJF, It will happen for the first time. But in FCFS, it will repeat again and again, Until the highest burst process gets terminated.

What do you mean by safe state?

1 Safe State. A state is safe if the system can allocate all resources requested by all processes ( up to their stated maximums ) without entering a deadlock state. ( All safe states are deadlock free, but not all unsafe states lead to deadlocks. )

How do I know if my system is safe?

The algorithm for finding out whether or not a system is in a safe state can be described as follows:

  1. Let Work and Finish be vectors of length ‘m’ and ‘n’ respectively. Initialize: Work = Available.
  2. Find an i such that both. a) Finish[i] = false.
  3. Work = Work + Allocation[i]
  4. if Finish [i] = true for all i.

How can we solve deadlock?

Recap the solution steps:

  1. Check the system_health session for deadlocks.
  2. Create an extended event session to capture the deadlocks.
  3. Analyze the deadlock reports and graphs to figure out the problem.
  4. If it is possible to make improvements or changing the queries involved in the deadlock.