What are the 23 personalities in Split?

What are the 23 personalities in Split?

They are: Heinrich, Mary Reynolds, Norma, Goddard, Bernice, Polly, Luke, Rakel, Felicia, Ansel, Jelin, Kat, B.T, Samuel, Ian and Mr. Pritchard. However, we do not actually meet any of them during Split.

Did Claire die in Split?

Casey finds Marcia dead, her stomach ripped open and intestines hanging out, and while Claire looks like she’s still alive in her closet, The Beast is actually right in the midst of killing her.

Is Casey in love with Kevin split?

Casey is the only Split character besides Kevin that is returning for Glass. Unfortunately, Casey’s schoolmates and Betty Buckley’s Dr. Karen Fletcher were all killed by The Beast in the film’s final act, as his apparent superpowers manifested.

Why did Casey tell Marcia to pee on herself in Split?

When Dennis drags Marcia out of the room, Casey whispers to her to pee on herself so he won’t want to touch her (which she does and it works). She realizes how strong Kevin’s personalities are and tells Claire that her “six months of karate lessons at the King of Prussia Mall” won’t help her now (ooh, burn).

What happened to Casey as a child in Split?

Due to being abused while she was young, she has become emotionally withdrawn. Her father died when she was little and she was taken into custody by her uncle, John. He was sexually and physically abusive towards her.

Why does Kevin have split personalities?

Kevin Wendell Crumb After Kevin’s father mysteriously disappeared on a train one day, the young boy grew up suffering from abuse at the hands of his mother which caused Kevin to retreat into other personalities to protect him.

What are the scars on Casey in Split?

However, upon Casey’s shirt being ripped off in their final struggle, it is revealed that she has scars on her stomach—scars caused by self-inflicted harm and cutting. As it’s been confirmed earlier in the picture, Casey was abused repeatedly over the years by her uncle.

Does Split have a happy ending?

What does the ending of Split mean? In the end, after Kevin’s other personalities have killed off the two girls, and the only surviving victim Casey is rescued by the police. In the next frame, the news is played on the television where the presenter refers to Kevin as The Horde.

What does Dennis spray in Split?

The fastest and most pleasant smelling of these vapors is sevoflurane. Inhaled sevoflurane can induce anesthesia in ten to thirty seconds if a high concentration of the drug is inhaled deeply into the lungs, but there is no drug that works in one second, like the aerosol that the villain used in Split.

What is the light in Split?

Split lighting is a photography lighting technique. The light source that illuminates the subject is perpendicular to the model. This setup lights up half of the face while keeping the other half shadowed. You “split” the lighting on your subject’s face.

Who was Bruce Willis at the end of split?

David Dunn

What are the 23 personality in Split?

Kevin is his real fragile personality, Hedwig is a 9-year-old boy, Barry is levelheaded, Dennis is temperamental, Patricia is sophisticated, Jade is a teenage girl, Orwell is very intelligent, while The Beast manifests at the end of Split, and has super-human strength.

Why did she say pee on yourself in Split?

What happened to Kevin as a child in Split?

When Kevin was a child, his father, Clarence Wendell Crumb, died in the same train crash (orchestrated by the villain Elijah Price, also known as “Mr. Glass”) that left David Dunn, the protagonist of Unbreakable, as the sole surviving passenger.

Is Kevin the beast in Split?

The Beast. The Beast is Kevin’s 24th and final identity. It’s also volatile and his strongest, deadliest, and most aggressive personality. The Beast first appears at the conclusion of Split, after Dennis is seen leaving flowers for Kevin’s late father at a train station.

Why did Casey have scars in Split?

Does Casey escape in Split?

Thanks to the handkerchief that Dr. Fletcher stuffed in the door’s latch hole, Casey is able to escape the room with Kevin’s shotgun, and races to his locker to get the shells. This is a successful mission, but The Beast catches up with Casey, tears at her clothes, and slices her leg badly.

What happened with Casey and her uncle in Split?

Her father died due to a heart attack sometime after. Following this, she was taken into the custody of her uncle John, who was the only legal guardian to take care of her. Over the years, Casey had been exposed to emotional, physical and sexual abuse conducted by her uncle.

Did Claire and Marcia die in Split?

Actors/Actresses Claire Benoit was a classmate of Casey Cooke and a friend of Marcia, who was kidnapped and killed by “Dennis” to be sacrificed to “The Beast”.

What does the beast want in Split?

Karen Fletcher (Betty Buckley) is trying to figure it out from meetings with her patient. During all this, Kevin (or, rather, Dennis) keeps talking about a new personality simply called The Beast. The Beast may want the girls for food, or he may prove that Kevin is supernatural, or he may not even exist at all.