What are the 3 methods of payment?

What are the 3 methods of payment?

The three most basic methods of payment are cash, credit, and payment-in-kind (or bartering). These three methods are used in basic transactions; for example, one may pay for a candy bar with cash, a credit card or, theoretically, even by trading another candy bar.

What is the difference between alternative and alternate?

‘Alternative’ means there are two (although some writers now use ‘alternatives’ for more than two) choices. ‘Alternate’ is the act of going between these choices, states or actions. Remember, ‘alternate’ is typically an action of switching between states, while ‘alternative’ is another word for ‘choice’ or ‘option’.

What is alternate arrangement?

(in plants) structures arranged in two rows, but not opposite; it may include a spiral arrangement.

What are the four types of leaves?

There are three main parts of a leaf – Leaf base, leaf lamina, and petiole. There are two different types of leaves – simples leaves and compound leaves. The other types of leaves include acicular, linear, lanceolate, orbicular, elliptical, oblique, centric cordate, etc.

Are oak leaves opposite or alternate?

Capable of growing upwards of 100 feet. Site Requirements: Best growth in moist, well-drained soils. Adaptable to adverse soil conditions. Leaves: Alternate, simple, lobed; with rounded tips.

What is the example of alternate Phyllotaxy?

In alternate phyllotaxy, a single leaf arises from the node of a branch. This type of phyllotaxy is observed in the sunflower, mustard and peepal. Plants with opposite phyllotaxy have two leaves arising from the node in opposite directions. It is found in guava and jamun plants.

What is the difference between alternate and whorled Phyllotaxy?

The key difference between alternate and whorled phyllotaxy is that in alternate phyllotaxy, there is a single leaf at each node of the plant stem while in whorled phyllotaxy, there are three or more leaves at each node of the plant stem. Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on the stem of a plant.

What are the three types of Phyllotaxy?

The phyllotaxy in the leaves are classified into three types as alternate phyllotaxy, opposite phyllotaxy and the whorled phyllotaxy.

What is meant by Phyllode?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Phyllodes are modified petioles or leaf stems, which are leaf-like in appearance and function. In some plants, these become flattened and widened, while the leaf itself becomes reduced or vanishes altogether. Thus the phyllode comes to serve the purpose of the leaf.

What is Phyllode example?

Phyllode is a modified petiole or shoots connecting stem and leaf. Examples of Phyllode include Acacia.

What is Cladode in botany?

Cladodes (also called cladophylls or phylloclades) are shoot systems in which leaves do not develop; rather, the stems become flattened and assume the photosynthetic functions of the plant. In asparagus (Asparagus officinalis; Asparagaceae), the scales found on the asparagus spears are the true leaves.

What is Phyllode Class 11?

Complete answer: The Phyllodes, which are like leaves in appearance and function, are modified petioles or leaf stems. These are flattened and extended in some plants, while the leaf itself is reduced or disappears. This flattened or winged rachis or petiole is popularly known as the phyllode.

What is Phyllode Phylloclade and Cladode?

A Phylloclade is a branch which is modified into a leaf-like structure for photosynthesis. A phyllode is winged leaf stalk which functions as a leaf. A Cladode is a stem which is modified into a leaf-like structure for photosynthesis.

Is Opuntia a Phyllode?

Phyllode is not exactly a stem modification. Phyllode is a petiole that is modified like a leaf. The leaves are highly reduced. Examples are Opuntia, Casuarina, etc.

Which is not a stem modification?

So, the correct answer is ‘Pitcher of Nepenthes’.

Is potato a modified stem?

Sweet potato is a modified food storage root, of fibrous roots. Potato is a stem which developed on the underground stems which are named as stolons. Potato tubers have buds that sprout leaves and stems from them while roots do not possess these properties.

Which one is not stem?

Hi Anushka, Of the following, sweet potato is not a stem of its parent plant as sweet potato is a modified root, while the rest are modified underground stems.

Is Ginger a modified stem?

Complete Answer: – Rhizome of ginger is a modification of stem in vascular plants because it bears internodes and nodes. – Rhizome is found under the ground and they send roots and shoots with the help of nodes outside the ground. The development of rhizomes takes place from the axillary buds.

Is Carrot a modified stem?

1: Storage roots: Many vegetables, such as carrots and beets, are modified roots that store food and water. Other examples of modified roots are aerating roots and haustorial roots.

Why is ginger stem not root?

Ginger is a stem which can be differentiated from root because it (1) Grows parallel to ground (2) Stores food (3) Lacks chlorophlly (4) Has nodes and internodes. Ginger or Zingiber officinale is an example of underground stem or rhizome modifications which have nodes and internodes.

Why potato is a modified stem?

Eyes of potatoes are axillary buds that contain several small buds at each side. Sometimes buds can expand to form new shoots which later grow on to make new plants. Hence, potatoes are called modified stem because of (B) Tuber.

Is the potato a root or stem?

Potatoes, grown in cooler climates or seasons around the world, are often thought of as roots because they usually grow in the ground. But technically they are starchy, enlarged modified stems called tubers, which grow on short branches called stolons from the lower parts of potato plants.

Is banana a modified stem?

Note: The original stem type of the banana plant is the rhizome which gives rise to a modified part called sucker. Rhizome is a type of modified stem but in this case, it acts as the true stem of the plant and the sucker acts like the modified stem of the plant.

Is Onion a stem or root?

Onion is neither a root nor a stem. It is a tunicate bulb having a cluster of fleshy leaves. An onion is a modified underground stem structure. The onion plant stores its processed food in the bulged leaf structure at the base.