What are the 4 Sundays in Advent called?

What are the 4 Sundays in Advent called?

Other variations of the themes celebrated on each of the four Sundays include:

  • The Prophets’ Candle, symbolizing hope; the Bethlehem Candle, symbolizing faith; the Shepherds’ Candle, symbolizing joy; the Angel’s Candle, symbolizing peace.
  • Hope–Peace–Joy–Love.
  • Faithfulness–Hope–Joy–Love.
  • Prophets–Angels–Shepherds–Magi.

Which Advent candle is lit first?

The first candle is lit each night along with a short prayer. On the second Sunday of Advent, a second purple candle is lit. On the third Sunday the pink candle is lit. Finally on the fourth Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the birth of Christ, the final purple candle is lit.

Why is third Advent candle pink?

No, that third candle is pink (or technically rose-colored) because it’s Gaudete Sunday. of Advent as Gaudete Sunday (pronounced gow-day-tay) because the introit for the mass in Latin begins ′Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete’ meaning ‘Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say rejoice.

What are the 4 colors of the Advent candles?

The first candle of the Advent wreath, the prophecy candle, or candle of hope, is purple. The second is called the Bethlehem candle, or the candle of preparation, and it is also purple. Likewise, the fourth Advent candle color is purple. It’s called the angel candle, or the candle of love.

Why is purple the color for Lent?

Tyrian purple was associated with royalty. It is also appropriately known as “royal purple.” The color was largely a status symbol as purple dye was the most painstaking and expensive to produce and therefore purple-dyed fabric was prohibitively expensive for anyone else.

What are the 5 candles of Advent?

A green candle, symbolizing faith, is lit on the first Sunday that begins on November 15; on the second Sunday, a blue candle, symbolizing hope, is lit; on the third Sunday, a gold candle, symbolizing love; on the fourth Sunday, a white candle, symbolizing peace; on the fifth Sunday, a purple candle, symbolizing …

What is the correct order of the Advent candles?

Light the pink candle on the third Sunday to represent joy. Light the first 2 purple candles, then light your pink candle as well.

What does the 2nd candle of Advent mean?

The Advent wreath, four candles on a wreath of evergreen, is shaped in a perfect circle to symbolize the eternity of God. Others consider the lighting of the first candle to symbolize expectation, while the second symbolizes hope, the third joy and the fourth purity.

What is the third Sunday of Advent called?

Gaudete Sunday

What do the three purple candles represent?

According to Dufresne, the three purple candles represent the preparation and repentance during the season of Advent, as church members prepare for the Celebration of Incarnation, also referred to as the birth of Christ or Christmas.

What liturgical color is used during the third Sunday of Advent?

Rose Rose vestments

What does the first purple candle mean?

The first purple, or violet candle, is the Prophecy Candle symbolizes hope and God’s forgiveness toward man. It also can symbolize the expectation of the coming of the Messiah.

Why is the wreath round?

Advent and Christmas wreaths are constructed of evergreens to represent everlasting life brought through Jesus and the circular shape of the wreath represents God, with no beginning and no end.

What is a German Advent wreath?

The traditional German Advent Wreath is usually a circle of evergreen set horizontally, with 4 candles spread around it. On the first Sunday of Advent, you light just one candle, on the second Sunday you light two…and so on. On Christmas Eve all four candles are lit, along with one more in the center.

What does Germany call Santa?


What is the most famous German decoration?

Perhaps the most famous German decorations are glass ornaments. The glass ornaments were originally hand blown glass and were imported in the USA in 1880s by the Woolworth stores. The legend of the glass ‘Christmas Pickle’ is famous in the USA, but it’s that, a legend.

How do Germans use the Advent wreath leading up to Christmas?

Many families in Germany put an Advent wreath on the living room table the fourth Sunday before Christmas. The wreaths have four large candles and, traditionally, pinecones and berries. As lights are dimmed, the whole family gathers around the wreath. As one, they spend a quiet, reflective hour together.