What are the advantages of the New Jersey plan?

What are the advantages of the New Jersey plan?

Advantages to the New Jersey Plan included giving smaller states equal power to larger states in the federal legislature, as well as giving the federal government more power to raise taxes, to regulate commerce, and to control foreign policy.

How were representatives chosen in the New Jersey plan?

The House of Representatives was elected by the people and the Senate was elected by the state legislatures. Both were represented proportionally.

What was the number of congressmen determined by in the New Jersey plan?

The number of Congressmen was to be determined by the population of the state. The larger states liked this plan because they had a larger population and as a result would be able to control the government. They favored a plan based on population. An alternative was the New Jersey Plan supported by the smaller states.

What was the subject of the New Jersey plan quizlet?

The New Jersey Plan was one option as to how the United States would be governed. The Plan called for each state to have one vote in Congress instead of the number of votes being based on population. It was introduced to the Constitutional Convention by William Paterson, a New Jersey delegate, on June 15, 1787.

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan differ quizlet?

The Virginia Plan called for three branches of government and two houses of Congress. Representation in each house would be determined by population. The New Jersey Plan called for three branches of government and a single house of Congress. Each state would have an equal vote.

What did the New Jersey plan propose for Congress quizlet?

What did the New Jersey Plan propose for Congress? Representation would be equal for each state.

How did the Virginia Plan and New Jersey plan differ quizlet?

Which point did the Virginia and New Jersey plans disagree?


Term What was the importance of the Magna Carta? Definition It limited the power of the English King
Term Which leader was known as “The Father of the Constitution? Definition James Madison
Term On which point did the Virginia and New Jersey plans disagree? Definition how the states should be represented in congress

Why did New Jersey and other small states oppose the Virginia Plan?

New Jersey Plan: Opposition to the Virginia Plan The smaller states opposed the Virginia Plan because the resolution for proportional representation would mean that smaller states would have far less say in government than the large states.