What are the duties of Legal Aid Council?

What are the duties of Legal Aid Council?

The Council shall establish and maintain a service to be known as the Civil Litigation Service for the purpose of assisting indigent persons to access such advice, assistance, and representation in court where the interest of justice demands, to secure, defend, enforce, protect or otherwise exercise any right.

What means omniscient?

1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight an omniscient author the narrator seems an omniscient person who tells us about the characters and their relations— Ira Konigsberg. 2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge the omniscient God.

What is the definition of didactic?

1a : designed or intended to teach. b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment didactic poetry. 2 : making moral observations.

What is non gratuitous act?

Where a person lawfully does anything for another person, or delivers anything to him, not intending to do so gratuitously, and such another person enjoys the benefit thereof, the letter is bound to make compensation to the former in respect of, or to restore, the thing so done or delivered. Illustrations.

What are the 3 types of Bailments?

There are three types of bailments: (1) for the benefit of the bailor and bailee; (2) for the sole benefit of the bailor; and (3) for the sole benefit of the bailee. A bailment for the mutual benefit of the parties is created when there is an exchange of performances between the parties.

What is a gratuitous promise?

When a party makes a promise to another, either within or outside the context of a contract, where that. promise places an obligation on the party but where that party does not receive anything in return (no. consideration), then the promise is said to be gratuitous.

Can a finder of goods sell the goods?

According to Section 169 of the Indian Contract Act, if the finder of goods is unable to find the true owner after due diligence or if the owner refuses to pay the lawful charges to the finder then he may sell the goods if: When lawful charges of the finder amount to two-thirds of the value of goods.

What are the responsibilities of finder of goods?

Responsibility of a finder of lost goods has been laid down by section 71 of the Contract Act, 1872 which states that “a person who finds goods belonging to another and takes them into his custody, is subject to the same responsibility as bail- ee.” A finder of the goods is subject to the same responsi- bilities and …

What are the duties of Bailee?

Duties of a bailee in respect of goods are as follows:

  • Take proper care of goods. According to section 151, it is the duty of a bailee to take care of goods bailed to him.
  • Not to make unauthorized use.
  • Keep goods separate.
  • Not set adverse title.
  • Return Goods.
  • Return increase or profits.