What are the steps in the mediation process?

What are the steps in the mediation process?

The mediation process can include some or all of the following six steps:

  1. Planning.
  2. Mediator’s introduction.
  3. Opening remarks.
  4. Joint discussion.
  5. Caucuses.
  6. Negotiation.
  7. What do you think is most valuable to the mediation process?

What are the 5 steps of peer mediation?

There are essentially 5 steps to a successful mediation. They are comprised of the introduction; statement of the problem; information gathering; identification of the problems; bargaining; and finally, settlement.

What are the strategies of mediation?

Outcomes may benefit both parties, cost both parties, or benefit one at the other’s expense. Third, the mediator should describe the basic types of strategies for resolving disputes. The basic strategies are competition, avoidance, accommodation, negotiated compromise, and interest-based negotiation.

How do I prepare for separation mediation?

10 Tips to Consider When Preparing for Family Mediation

  1. Agreement Between the Parties.
  2. Know Your Issues to Settle and Goals to Meet.
  3. Select a Family Mediator.
  4. Gather Relevant Documents.
  5. Meet with the Mediator Separately.
  6. Present Your Position Effectively.
  7. Listen to the Other Party.
  8. Be Receptive.

What does a separation mediator do?

In mediation, an impartial person (the mediator) helps people reach an agreement they can both accept. The mediator helps people talk the issues through in a way that often makes it easier for the couple to settle the dispute themselves. Mediators do not make decisions.

What should I do before mediation?

Guidance: Preparing Yourself for Mediation

  1. Ensure that both party and representative are present, fully informed and have authority to resolve the dispute.
  2. Expect the unexpected.
  3. Listen, listen, listen!!
  4. Watch those tactics.
  5. Be prepared for mediation.
  6. Be imaginative.
  7. Watch yourself.