What can I expect at a pretrial conference?

What can I expect at a pretrial conference?

Judges also use pre-trial conferences to encourage settling cases. At the conference, the judge and the lawyers can review the evidence and clarify the issues in dispute. The lawyers usually appear at this hearing before a judge without their clients and try to agree on undisputed facts or points of law.

Does defendant have to be present at pretrial?

Does a Defendant Have to Appear at the Pretrial Hearings? In felony cases the criminal defendant must be present at all court dates, including the preliminary hearing. In most misdemeanor cases an attorney can make court appearances for the accused. Some courts accept notarized pleas in misdemeanor cases.

What is the pretrial process?

After the preliminary hearing and before a criminal case goes to trial, the prosecutor and the defense team usually appear before a criminal court judge and make pre-trial motions — arguments that certain evidence should be kept out of the trial, that certain persons must or cannot testify, or that the case should be …

What is the purpose of a pre trial review?

A pre-trial review is held if the case is complex or the trial is expected to be lengthy. The aim is to make sure the trial will proceed efficiently, particular areas of dispute being identified and narrowed down as far as possible.

What is the purpose of pretrial release?

The purposes of the pretrial release decision include providing due process to those accused of crime, maintaining the integrity of the judicial process by securing defendants for trial, and protecting victims, witnesses and the community from threat, danger or interference.

What are the common types of pretrial motions?

Common pretrial motions include:

  • Motion to suppress.
  • Discovery Motion.
  • Motion to change venue.
  • Motion to dismiss.
  • Motion to disclose identity of informant.
  • Motion to modify bail.