What can I expect at my first custody hearing?

What can I expect at my first custody hearing?

What will happen at the hearing? At the initial custody hearing, both parents will have to testify in front of the judge about their custody proposals. The judge may ask you specific questions to help better her understanding of your case, and/or to help her decide the best interests of your child.

How long does Custody Court usually last?

10 to 15 minutes

Do narcissists like to argue?

Narcissists are often ill-equipped to have mature discussions or resolve conflicts yet in their mind they are experts at it. As a result, they often use some terms, arguments, or techniques that theyve heard about yet dont really understand, all while thinking that they are being rational, reasonable, or correct.

Why you should never argue with a narcissist?

There will be no mature fighting or resolution if you are arguing with a toxic or narcissistic individual. You will be unable to have a calm and mature argument with them. They will often become extremely upset and aggressive. More times than not the conversation will shift to nonsensical rants.

Why you should never confront a narcissist?

The real reason why simply confronting a narcissist and calling them out for their behavior won’t work is simple: they’re not actually listening to you. If they truly are a narcissist, they have never been listening, and are especially unlikely to take any criticism or feedback on board.

What should you not say to a narcissist?

10 Things Not to Do with Narcissists

  • Don’t give them ammunition. Narcissists need to feel superior.
  • Don’t take them at face value. Image is everything to narcissists.
  • Don’t try to justify or explain yourself.
  • Don’t minimize their outrageous behavior.
  • Don’t expect them to own their part.
  • Don’t try to beat them at their own game.

Why do narcissists prefer texting?

Basically, they can play their ‘mind games’ much easier by text. Texts are a perfect method for inflicting their passive aggressive behaviour as below; Because verbal conversation is spontaneous and immediate reactions can be judged, the narcissist prefers texts which allow for an engineered narrative.