What Canada has to offer?

What Canada has to offer?

Here are 11 reasons Canada’s an awesome place for new immigrants.

  • canada embraces multiculturalism and immigrants.
  • canada is one of the most inclusive countries in the world.
  • canada is the 10th largest economy in the world.
  • canada’s education system is world-class.
  • canada’s tech industry is growing rapidly.

What do you love about Canada?

10 reasons to love Canada (and head over this year)

  • Maple Syrup – put it on everything.
  • Poutine – a national institution.
  • Natural wonders – around every corner.
  • Outdoor recreation – paradise for nature freaks.
  • Diversity – it’s in the DNA.
  • Friendliness – it’s in the water.
  • Hockey – born and bred.
  • Trailer Park Boys – Canada’s #1 export.

What are good things about Canada?

10 Things We Love About Canada

  • Some of the cleanest air in the world.
  • Genuinely friendly people.
  • Gorgeous lakes—and lots of ’em.
  • The undeniable Tim Hortons.
  • Delicious maple syrup.
  • Opportunities to hit the slopes.
  • Admiring the diversity of historical structures.
  • Of course, a piping hot bowl of poutine.

What to do when you first arrive in Canada?

5 First Things You Should Do When You Arrive in Canada | Canada Newcomers

  1. HOUSING. You’ll need a place to live right away when you land in Canada.
  2. HEALTH INSURANCE. Canadian citizens and permanent residents can apply for public health insurance.

How do I start a new life in Canada?

Start your life in Canada

  1. Find a place to live. Temporary housing, types of housing, renting and buying a home, basic services and furnishing your home.
  2. Look for a job in Canada.
  3. Get your credentials assessed.
  4. Enrol in school.
  5. Apply for health care.
  6. Improve your English and French.
  7. Connect with people in your community.
  8. Get a driver’s licence.

What countries immigrate to Canada the most?

Where will Canada’s 401,000 immigrants come from in 2021?

  • 32,688 from the Philippines;
  • 14,805 from Nigeria;
  • 12,684 from Pakistan;
  • 12,667 from the United States;
  • 11,891 from Syria;
  • 8,260 from Eritrea;
  • 7,173 from South Korea, and;
  • 7,115 from Iran in the same year.

Is Canada friendly to immigrants?

A newly-released Gallup poll reveals Canada is the most welcoming country in the world – and far more tolerant than the United States – for immigrants.

How many illegal immigrants live in Canada?

Statistics. From January 2017 to March 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 25,645 people crossing the border into Canada illegally. Public Safety Canada estimated that another 2,500 came across in April 2018 for a total of just over 28,000, of which 1,000 had been removed from Canada.

How many Indians are in Canada?

Number of registered Indians in Canada from 2000 to 2019

Number of registered Indians
2019 1,008,955
2018 994,667
2017 987,520
2016 970,562

Is life better in Canada or India?

Cost of living versus quality of life The cost of living in India is considerably lower than in Canada. Money isn’t everything, though, and despite the higher cost of living, Canada ranks #2 amongst the countries with the highest quality of life.

Which city is best for PR in Canada?


  • 1 – TORONTO.
  • 2 – VANCOUVER.
  • 3 – CALGARY.
  • 4 – HALIFAX.
  • 5 – OTTAWA.