What concept refers to families in which children have some combination of biological parents and stepparents?

What concept refers to families in which children have some combination of biological parents and stepparents?

Terms in this set (23) What concept refers to families in which children have some combination of biological parents and stepparents? an extended family.

What term applies to a child who leaves home at 18?

What term applies to a child who leaves home at eighteen but later returns for at least a short period of time? It produces and socializes children.

Are parents held accountable for child’s actions?

California: Parents can be held liable for any “willful misconduct causing injury, death or property damage” by a minor under the age of 18. Parents may also be liable for damages resulting from a child’s negligent acts while operating an automobile with the parents’ permission.

What are the role of parents in child development?

The proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement, support, and access to activities that enable the child to master key developmental tasks. A parent is their child’s first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life.

What message should caregivers convey when they punish a child?

What message should caregivers convey when punish a child? Message to be conveyed when punishing a child. They should show that they disapprove of the behavior but they still love the child. They can do this by avoiding blame and criticism.

What are the conditions necessary for child development?

Physical needs: Shelter, health care, water and sanitation, protection from environmental pollution, adequate food, adequate clothing, and protection from violence, exploitation and abuse, exercise for strength-endurance-coordination, opportunities for development of athletic potentials.

What things can a child do?

  • 1 | Jump rope. An important part of how young kids’ minds develop is through free, self-directed play.
  • 2 | Talk with parents.
  • 3 | Sleep.
  • 4 | Independent reading.
  • 5 | Listen to a book.
  • 6 | Work on a puzzle.
  • 7 | Go up a slide backwards.
  • 8 | Dig in the dirt.