What custody means?

What custody means?

direct responsibility for care and control

What is the purpose of custody?

Custody decisions involve physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to the responsibility of taking care of the children (food, clothing, housing, etc.). Legal custody refers to the responsibility for decisions that affect the child’s interests (medical, educational, and religious decisions, etc.).

What is another word for custody?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for custody, like: care, safekeeping, supervision, detention, trusteeship, wardship, imprisonment, freedom, liberty, liberation and charge.

What is a synonym for Dare the Devil?

Daredevil Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for daredevil?

madcap reckless
adventurous audacious
bold daring
foolhardy courageous
fearless hot-headed

What’s another word for guardianship?

What is another word for guardianship?

care custodianship
protection responsibility
supervision tutelage
tutelarity tutorship
wardenship watch

What does the term guardianship mean?

Guardianship is an order made by the Children’s Court for a child in out-of-home care (foster care) who cannot be returned to their family for their own safety. The child or young person will remain in the care of their guardian until they turn 18 or until the Children’s Court changes the order.

What is another word for cancel?

What is another word for cancel?

annul rescind
nullify repeal
invalidate void
abolish abrogate
quash revoke

What is an antonym of Guardian?

guardian. Antonyms: traitor, betrayer, pupil, ward. Synonyms: keeper, protector, conservator, custodian, preserver, warder.

What is the opposite of a guardian angel?

What is the opposite of guardian angel?

villain rogue
mischiefmaker ruffian
scamp shyster
trickster vagabond
antagonist blackguard

What do you call a guardian?

In law, a ward is someone placed under the protection of a legal guardian. – Wikipedia.

What do you call a protector?

Words related to protector patron, bulwark, partisan, benefactor, savior, defender, backer, bodyguard, sympathizer, hero, champion, angel, advocate, abettor, promoter, guide, guard, sponsor, safeguard, supporter.

What boy name means protector?

Boy Names That Mean Warrior, Protector, Or Survivor

  • Alex/Alexander. Meaning: Greek for “protector of mankind”
  • Alvaro. Meaning: Spanish for “cautious”
  • Ansel. Meaning: Hebrew for “a protector”
  • Armando. Meaning: French for “soldier”
  • Armani. Meaning: Italian for “warrior”
  • Callan. Meaning: Scottish for “battle, rock”
  • Casey.
  • Duncan.

What is an example of protection?

Protection is a person or thing that shields from danger, pain or discomfort, or money paid to avoid violence or prosecution. An example of protection is an umbrella to stand under during a rainstorm. An example of protection is money paid by a shopowner to the mob to avoid violence.

What does predator mean?

English Language Learners Definition of predator : an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals. : a person who looks for other people in order to use, control, or harm them in some way.vor 5 Tagen

What are the characteristics of a predator?

Predators exhibit traits such as sharp teeth, claws, and venom that enhance their ability to catch food. They also possess extremely acute sensory organs that help them to find potential prey.

How do you tell if a man is a child molestor?

Kids generally have pretty solid instincts when they feel a person is off. Watch to see if your child flinches or stiffens if someone puts an arm around them or tries to hug them. A predator might insist on touching, kissing, or tickling your child even if the child is clearly uninterested.

How do predators choose their victims?

Predators do not play fair. They choose their victims based on physical condition, preferring young, old, sick or injured, and stalk their prey, using ambush behavior. Watch CCTV crime videos and you can see predators choose, target, and stalk victims while bypassing the hoards of potential targets around them.

What do child predators look for?

Has a “favorite” child they seem to spend time with – gives them special attention, gifts, privileges (which may vary from year to year) Overly affectionate/playful with children – hugging, tickling, wrestling, holding or having a child sit on their lap.

What is psychological grooming?

Grooming – Grooming is the predatory act of maneuvering another individual into a position that makes them more isolated, dependent, likely to trust, and more vulnerable to abusive behavior.

How do kidnappers choose their targets?

If a kidnapper is going to take a hostage for ransom, he will target the victim based upon an outward appearance of wealth or information given to him from someone who knows the victim intimately, such as a household employee, a bank teller, a waitress at the victim’s favorite restaurant or someone else that suspects …

Why do people abduct children?

Some of the reasons why a stranger might kidnap an unknown child include: human trafficking, stealing a child with the intent to exploit the child themselves or through trade to someone who will abuse the child through slavery, forced labor, or sexual abuse.

What do kidnappers look for in victims?

They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around specifically to cut clothing. 3) They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.

What makes someone an easy target?

What makes a person an easy target? It is not about seeming confident and not so gullible, it is about paying attention to what is going on and saying a firm “no” to anything that is not in your best interest. Fight back. If you put up firm boundaries and fight to enforce them, most people will respect them.

What does it mean if someone picks on you?

1. phrasal verb. If someone picks on you, they repeatedly criticize you unfairly or treat you unkindly. [informal] Bullies pick on younger children. [

Why do people pick on me?

If someone’s picking on you they’re looking for one of a few things: either to get a reaction out of you, in which case not getting upset is you winning. Or they want to look cool in front of their friends – in which case them looking like a jerk, or a wimp, is you winning.

Why do I get picked on all the time?

You get picked on because the people who pick on you are trying to project their insecurities towards you. These people who verbally, emotionally or physically attack you are afraid of being judged, so they find someone to pick on to look “cool” or “self confident”. Stand up for yourself. Don’t take this abuse.