What do legal aid lawyers do?

What do legal aid lawyers do?

Legal Aid Alberta Legal Aid provides coverage for serious criminal charges, family law issues, child welfare matters, immigration/refugee claims, adult guardianship/trusteeship, and income support.

Does legal aid have good lawyers?

The first thing I want to point out is that Legal Aid lawyers are just as good, if not better, than any in the private bar. They work in the criminal and family law field every day dealing with a variety of cases. If your family member already has a Legal Aid lawyer, then your family member is in good hands.

What can duty counsel do?

Duty counsel can assist individuals with their family court appearance. Assistance can include providing advice on parenting, child support, custody, guardianship or court procedures, or speaking on your behalf in court on simple matters.

Does Canada have public defenders?

A lawyer is not legally obligated to defend you. There is also no “”public defender” in Canada. There is duty counsel, but they are there to assist unrepresented people at an initial docket appearance or bail hearing. They are not there to take on your case from start to finish, or to run a trial for you.

What type of cases can or can’t you have a duty solicitor for?

The right to see the duty solicitor applies equally to those defendants who are in custody or on bail, but the right is not unlimited – if the defendant is on bail and is charged with an offence that does not carry a sentence of imprisonment the duty solicitor is not permitted to act.

Is a duty solicitor free in court?

Any person who is charged with an offence for which you can receive a prison sentence for is entitled to a duty solicitor free of charge at court for the first court hearing. The duty solicitor is from a panel of local solicitors who take turns to be on rota for the day.

How many hours does legal aid cover in Ontario?

6 hours

How much does Legal Aid Ontario pay lawyers?

There are four different hourly rates; three depend on a lawyers’ tier level, which is assessed based on certified years of experience….Tariff Rates.

Rate Tier Certificates issued on or after April 1, 2015
Lawyer Rate Tier 1 $109.14
Lawyer Rate Tier 2 $122.78
Lawyer Rate Tier 3 $136.43
Complex Criminal Case Rate $161.05

What is the current income cut off for Legal Aid Ontario for a single person?

A certificate guarantees that a lawyer will be paid for representing a legal aid client for a certain number of hours. The financial threshold for a single applicant without dependents is increasing from the current $17,731 in gross annual income to $18,795 in gross annual income.