What do you call a female child born out of wedlock?

What do you call a female child born out of wedlock?

Why isn’t the word ‘Bastard’ used for girls? ‘Bastard’ is a term indicating that the child in question (male or female) is illegitimate, either born out of wedlock, born to a mistress, or born to a morganatic wife.

Is it illegal to have a child without marriage?

As per the existing law and social framework it is only children who are born to the married couple are legally entitled and recognized in the society. But, living without marriage has not been recognized till date.

What is the punishment of child marriage?

Punishment for solemnizing marriage: If a person performs, conducts, directs or abets any child marriage, he shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for 2 years or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees or both.

Why do they call it wedlock?

Wedlock is an old-fashioned word for matrimony, the state of being married. Even though wedlock sounds like it would have a root meaning of “locked into marriage,” it actually comes from the Old English wedlac, from wed, “pledge,” and lac, which denotes action.

Who is all Might’s secret love child?

Midoriya Izuku

What is illegitimate?

not recognized as lawful offspring

What is another word for illegitimate?

What is another word for illegitimate?

illegal illicit
dishonourableUK fraudulent
improper lawless
malfeasant verboten
wrongful bent

Does illegitimate mean illegal?

born of parents who are not married to each other:an illegitimate child. not allowed by rules or custom; unlawful; illegal.

What the difference between legitimate and illegitimate?

The legal status of a child at birth refers to the marital status of its mother. “Legitimate” children are those whose parents are married. The birth is considered as being “outside marriage” (formerly “illegitimate”) when this is not the case.