What documents do I need to register baby?

What documents do I need to register baby?

your passport, driving licence or birth certificate. your marriage certificate – if you’re married….Details of the mother

  • the mother’s full name (and maiden name if married)
  • the mother’s date and place of birth.
  • the mother’s current occupation.
  • the mother’s address.

What should you not do after giving birth?

Don’t drink alcohol, use street drugs or use harmful drugs. All of these can affect your mood and make you feel worse. And they can make it hard for you to take care of your baby. Ask for help from your partner, family and friends.

How do you handle a new born baby?

Handling a Newborn

  1. Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your baby.
  2. Support your baby’s head and neck.
  3. Never shake your newborn, whether in play or in frustration.
  4. Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat.

What do you do with a newborn all day?

Ideas for playing include:

  • making eye contact, smiling and talking.
  • singing nursery rhymes.
  • taking your baby for a walk.
  • reading or telling them a story.
  • making faces.
  • blowing raspberries.
  • giving your baby different things to look at and feel while talking to them.
  • giving your baby supervised tummy time each day.

What is the best position to feed a newborn?

Discover 11 different breastfeeding positions and find out what is best for you and your baby:

  • Laid-back breastfeeding or reclined position.
  • Cradle hold.
  • Cross-cradle hold.
  • Rugby ball hold.
  • Side-lying position.
  • Laid-back breastfeeding after a c-section.
  • Upright breastfeeding or koala hold.
  • Dangle feeding.

When can a newborn be away from its mother?

Between 4 and 9 months is actually the overnighter sweet spot. Before that, your baby may still be perfecting breastfeeding, waking up a lot at night, and bonding with you and Dad, which makes it a less-than-ideal time to leave her with a sitter. Wait too long and you’ll have a new set of problems.

Does a newborn know his mother?

Right from birth, a baby can recognize his mother’s face, voice and smell, says Laible. That’s why he’ll start studying your face as if he’s trying to memorize it.

Why does my 3 week old grunt so much?

Newborn grunting is usually related to digestion. Your baby is simply getting used to mother’s milk or formula. They may have gas or pressure in their stomach that makes them feel uncomfortable, and they haven’t learned yet how to move things through.