What does a 9 80 work schedule look like?

What does a 9 80 work schedule look like?

“9/80s work schedule” is a compressed work schedule which consists of eight 9-hour days, one 8-hour day, and one day off in a 2-week period. Under a typical 9/80 arrangement, employees work four 9-hour days, followed by an 8-hour workday that is split into two 4-hour periods.

What is the benefits of working a 9 80 schedule?

You guarantee employees two extra days off each month. This gives them time to schedule appointments, conduct personal business, or take a vacation with family or friends. It can also mean fewer sick days, fewer no-call/no-shows, and fewer time-off requests for your business.

Does a 9 hour day include lunch?

Nope. Lunchtime is unpaid time. In the US, if you are being paid by the hour and your shift is 8 hours of work, then you are required to take a lunch break, like it or not. Your employer is not required to pay you for that time.

Does 45 hours a week include lunch?

Some employers work a 40 hour week, and so on. The statutory limitation of 45 hours per week means that the employee may not work more than 45 hours per week normal time. Lunch break is unpaid time and is the employee’s own time – he/she and read a book, go shopping, etc because they are not paid for lunch breaks.

Is a 45 hour work week legal?

Company policy determines the hours that employees are expected to work. Official employer designations regarding full-time employment generally range from 35 to 45 hours, with 40 hours being by far the most common standard. Some companies consider 50 hours a week full-time for exempt employees.

Can employer refuse to pay overtime?

Federal and state laws require most employers to pay overtime. These laws contain many exceptions, so not all employees are entitled to overtime. Employees who are eligible for overtime are called “nonexempt” employees, and those who are not eligible for overtime are called “exempt” employees.

How many 12 hour shifts can you work in a row?

Allowing rest periods and lunch breaks, limiting employees to three 12-hour shifts per week and scheduling days off between 12-hour shift days may help your employees obtain sufficient rest and avoid stress.

How many hours can you work in a day according to OSHA?


Is it possible to work 80 hours a week?

Working for 80+ hours is extreme, and not recommended as an everyday practice – but, if you stick to a strict routine and block your time, it is possible. If you find that you’re able to eat enough, sleep enough and be happy despite working long hours, it’s fine for you to go for it.

Is it legal to work over 12 hours a day?

12 hour shifts are legal. However, the regulations generally require that there should be a break of 11 consecutive hours between each 12 hour shift. 12 hour shifts should be considered in the context of both patient safety and the physical and psychological demands of shift work.

How long should your break be on a 9 hour shift?

In general, you are entitled to a 15 minute break when you have worked for 4 ½ hours. If you work more than 6 hours you are entitled to a 30 minute break, which can include the first 15-minute break. There is no entitlement to be paid for these breaks and they are not considered working time.

Is Double Time taxed differently?

Taxes on overtime are not different than taxes on regular wages. You will calculate and withhold taxes the same way you do for regular wages. In fact, you will withhold taxes from the combined total of overtime and regular wages.