What does awaiting summons mean?

What does awaiting summons mean?

Awaiting Summons means Court is waiting for the Summons Report to be sent to it either by the Court Officer or the Applicant/Petitioner who got the Summons issued by the Court against Accused/Defendant in a particular case. Summons Report discloses the fact, that, whether summons was served to Defendant/Accused or not.

Can accused be discharge in summons case?

The trial of summons case is dealt under Chapter XX of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (hereinafter “CrPC”). There is no special section which exclusively provides for discharge of an accused in summons triable cases.

What happens if a court summons is ignored?

If you are given a summons in a civil lawsuit and you don’t reply or go to the court on the assigned day the other person points out to the court that you are not interested in the case. The jury will have to take a default judgement against you.

When can an accused person be discharged?

Under section 239, the court can discharge the accused, if after considering the reports submitted by police under section 173 and inspecting the facts and evidence provided; the magistrate finds the charges as vague and unjustified.

Can criminal case be withdrawn?

Sections 321 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. P.C.) allows the Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a case, with the consent of the court, withdraw from the prosecution of any person, at any time before the judgment is pronounced.

What is Summons trial?

“Summon” is a document that commands a person to whom it is served to appear before the court and to answer the complaint made against him. Summon is issued by the Magistrate to the accused under section 204(1) (a) of Cr. P.C, 1973. “Summon case” means a case relating to an offence, not being a warrant case[1].

What is difference between summons and warrant?

The warrant allows police officer to apprehend someone, search the premises, or seize a property, etc., in order to regulate justice. It is issued in writing in a prescribed format….Warrant:

Summon Warrant
A magistrate can convert a summon case into a warrant case. A warrant case cannot be converted into a summon case.

What is usually the order of a trial?

In sequence, they are: Pleading Stage – filing the complaint and the defense’s motions. Pretrial Stage – discovery process, finding of facts. Trial Stage – seating of the jury, testimony on behalf of the plaintiffs and testimony on behalf of the defendants.

How many stages are in a criminal trial?

three stages