What does joint conservatorship mean in Texas?

What does joint conservatorship mean in Texas?

Texas law says that parents should usually be named Joint Managing Conservators. A joint conservatorship order means the parents share decision making about most issues. It does not mean the child’s time is split equally between the parents. The other parent is called the “non-custodial parent.”

How do I get conservatorship in Texas?

A conservator, also known in Texas as a guardian of the estate, has the authority over a person’s finances. The minor or protected person is known as the ward. To be appointed as a conservator, you must file a petition with the probate court. The ward or other interested person can challenge the petition.

How do I file for temporary custody in Texas?

You can get temporary custody forms in Texas from the Courts, which your lawyer can help you properly fill out. You’ll need to file those forms with the Court in the county where your child lives. Make sure you bring originals of any documents you include in your petition, as well as a few copies.

How much money do you get for being a guardian?

A guardian is generally paid an amount which is not more than five percent of the ward’s yearly income. The amount may vary slightly, but in no case should the guardian’s compensation be fixed at less than fifty dollars for a year.

Who can deem a person incompetent?

You start the process of declaring a person mentally incompetent by filing an official petition with the local district of your state’s probate court. At the same time that you are filing to have someone declared mentally incompetent, you are also filing to become their legal guardian.

Who determines competency in a patient?

Capacity is a person’s ability to make an informed decision. A determination of competency is a judicial finding made by the court. A physician can opine about a patient’s capacity, but cannot determine competency. Adults are presumed to have capacity unless determined otherwise by the court.