What does joint legal custody mean in Indiana?

What does joint legal custody mean in Indiana?

“Joint legal custody” refers to parents’ rights to make major decisions on the child’s behalf. When parents share legal custody, they have an equal say in matters involving the child such as where the child goes to school, medical treatment and care, and whether a child should be baptized in a certain religious faith.

How do you prove credibility in court?

In the United States, such a witness is “more than likely to be true based on his/her experience, knowledge, training and appearance of honesty and forthrightness….” Some factors for determining the credibility of testimony in U.S. courts include: (1) the witness had personal knowledge, (2) he or she was actually …

What is the credibility rule?

The credibility rule now provides simply that “Credibility evidence about a witness is not admissible”. It is no longer restricted to evidence “relevant only to a witness’s credibility”, and now includes evidence relevant to the assessment of a fact in issue where it is not admissible as proof of that fact in issue.

What makes someone a credible witness?

CREDIBLE WITNESS – A credible witness is one who is competent to give evidence, and is worthy of belief. In deciding upon the credibility of a witness, it is always pertinent to consider whether he or she is capable of knowing the issue thoroughly as he or she testifies.

Is a family member a credible witness?

Witnesses in California and Florida must swear as part of their oath that they do not have a financial interest in, nor are parties to, the underlying transaction. Depending upon the nature of the transaction, a close family member may not qualify to be a credible identifying witness.

What is said in court by a competent witness?

To be a competent witness, the witness must have personal knowledge of the matter to which he is going to testify, except an expert, who can testify to an opinion based on information supplied either before the testimony or at the time of the expert’s testimony.

Who is a child witness?

A child witness is the one who at the time of giving testimony is below the age of eighteen years.

Is hearsay allowed in court?

Hearsay evidence is not admissible in court unless a statue or rule provides otherwise. Therefore, even if a statement is really hearsay, it may still be admissible if an exception applies. The Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) contains nearly thirty of these exceptions to providing hearsay evidence.