What does Othello say before he kills Desdemona?

What does Othello say before he kills Desdemona?

Iago has been so successful that Othello feels compelled to kill himself, explaining that “I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, Killing myself to die upon a kiss” (5.2.).

What does Othello call Desdemona?

I suspect you are referring to Act IV, scene ii, when, after striking her in front of Lodovico, Othello finally calls Desdemona a whore.

What is Desdemona’s tragic flaw?

Desdemona expresses her undying love for Othello by explaining to Emilia that she took her own life away. She cannot believe that Othello would kill her because her love blinds her. Therefore, love is Desdemona’s tragic flaw.

What does Othello call Desdemona negatively?

The candle’s light will always light Othello’s darkness, as Desdemona’s “light” only brought evil in Othello’s heart. Desdemona’s “light” was darkness, unlike the candle’s.

Why does Othello kill himself?

Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello’s jealousy. Othello allows jealousy to consume him, murders Desdemona, and then kills himself.

Does Othello regret killing Desdemona?

Expert Answers At first, Othello does not regret killing Desdemona. He may struggle somewhat in actually committing the murder, declaring her to be his “light,” but after she has died, he argues to Desdemona’s attendant, Emilia, that she deserved it because she was “false as water” and had slept with Cassio.

What does Othello think of himself?

Othello is a trusting, honest person who expects that his own good character, if embodied clearly and earnestly, will save him from others’ prejudice. He demonstrates this belief in the first act; presenting himself so nakedly in the name of justice and common sense will be his great misstep.

Who kills Iago?


Why is Iago so evil?

Iago is one of Shakespeare’s most sinister villains, often considered such because of the unique trust that Othello places in him, which he betrays while maintaining his reputation for honesty and dedication. Shakespeare contrasts Iago with Othello’s nobility and integrity.

How did Iago die?

He wasn’t killed. In the end, after Othello killed himself, Iago’s wife, Emilia, realized that Iago manipulated Othello into killing Desdemona (Othello’s wife).

Why does Iago want Cassio dead?

Iago wants Cassio dead because he says Cassio has a good character that makes Iago look bad, and if Othello confronts Cassio then his plan will be foiled. Iago feels he will also benefit if Cassio kills Roderigo. Cassio has armor underneath his clothes that saves him from Roderigo when he stabs him.

Who does Desdemona blame for her death?

54. Whom does Desdemona blame for her death? Does Emilia believe her? Desdemona blames herself for her death telling Emilia, “Nobody.

What motive does Iago have for killing Roderigo?

Why does Iago say he wished to kill Roderigo? What reason does he Give Othello for not killing him? Iago says he wished he’d kill Rodrigo so he could have defended Othello’s marriage and honor. He says he could not have killed him because he lacked the wickedness.

Why does Iago hate Othello?

Iago says in Act I, Scene 1 that he hates Othello because Othello has passed him over as a lieutenant. In other words, Iago believes that Cassio knows less about fighting than a spinster, or old unmarried woman, does. In addition, Iago suspects that his wife, Emilia, has cheated on him with Othello.

Did Othello slept with Emilia?

At the end of Act I, scene iii, Iago says he thinks Othello may have slept with his wife, Emilia: “It is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets / He has done my office” (I. Iago is often funny, especially in his scenes with the foolish Roderigo, which serve as a showcase of Iago’s manipulative -abilities.