What does totally agree mean?

What does totally agree mean?

They mean the same thing, along with “fully agree” or “entirely agree”. Either means agreement to the maximum possible and without any element of disagreement. “Totally” has picked up a connotation of sounding a bit ditzy but that seems to be on the decline. Otherwise, use whichever sounds better in context.

Which is correct agree or agreed?

Child: [It is] Done. In this case, agreed on its own means “It is accepted”. agree is the verb form. If you use a verb on its own, it is an imperative: telling somebody to do something.

How do you say I totally agree?

Ways of expressing agreement:

  1. That’s right/You’re right/I know: used when agreeing with someone:
  2. Exactly/Absolutely/I couldn’t agree more: used for saying that you completely agree with someone:
  3. You can say that again/You’re telling me: a more informal way of saying that you completely agree with someone:

Can I say Agreed?

Agreed means basically the same thing. It is short for “It is agreed” or “I am agreed”. In this case you can just say the word “agreed” on its own.

How do you respond to agreed?

“We are in agreement.” “You and I are in accord.” “You and I have obtained to a harmonious accord.” “Our thinking is parallel on this issue.” “We are not in disagreement.” “Our thinking is the same.” “That is an equivalent idea.” “We have equal conclusions.”

How do you use Agreed?

Agreed is used to express your approval on the immediate matter at hand, and is thus welcome in an oral discussion with friends or when instant-messaging someone. For instance: What do you say we go out and grab a drink after work ? Agreed !2016年5月25日

What does Agreed mean?

Agreed means something that was decided on by two or more people. Two people that settled on a particular time to meet is an example of an agreed time. adjective.

Is Agreed past tense?

past tense of agree is agreed.

Which preposition is used with agreed?

To agree with someone is to share a point of view with him/her, and to agree with an idea or proposal is to accept it and to believe that it’s valid. Example use that includes both prepositions: “He agreed with you on whether we should increase the salary.”

What’s the meaning of agree to disagree?

: to agree not to argue anymore about a difference of opinion He likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed to disagree.

WHAT DOES agreed upon mean?

1. agreed upon – constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement; “stipulatory obligations”

How do you agree to a proposal?

Agree with a proposal would mean that someone gives you the proposal and it all sounds perfect to you, so you agree with it. Agree to a proposal has the connotation that you have possibly needed to make a compromise. You can agree to a proposal without agreeing with it.

What is the time ____ your watch?

Question : Which of these sentences is correct: ‘what is the time by your watch’, or ‘what is the time in your watch’? Answer : The correct phrase/usage is “by your watch”. Time is an abstract concept, it does not have a body. So, it can not be contained “in” a watch or anything else.

What are agreed upon procedures?

An agreed-upon procedure is a standard a company or client outlines when it hires an external party to perform an audit on a specific test or business process. The procedures, which are called audit standards, are designed and agreed upon by the entity conducting the audit, as well as any appropriate third parties.

How do you use agreed upon in a sentence?

Agreed upon sentence example Each month, or following an agreed-upon period, you’ll receive new bottles of red or white to enjoy in the privacy of your home. Once Hyraxia has negotiated a price you agree with, they will contact the dealers they work with and try to get you the agreed-upon price or higher.

What is another word for agreed upon?

•agreed upon (noun) stipulatory, uncontroversial, noncontroversial.

What is a fancy word for Agree?

The words coincide and concur are common synonyms of agree.

What is it called when both parties agree?

An agreement is made when two parties agree to something. A written or verbal contract can also be called an agreement.

Is agreed to hyphenated?

We could hyphenate it as agreed-upon to make it clearer that the two-word phrase is acting as a single adjectival unit, modifying the noun bet. It was a mutually agreed upon bet. The adverb mutually modifies the adjective.

Is high pressure hyphenated?

‘… high-pressure system…’ – high and pressure are an adjectival phrase qualifying system. Therefore, hyphenate these words, i.e. ‘high-pressure system’. ‘… the system operated under high pressure…’ – high qualifies the noun pressure, not another word, so don’t hyphenate these two words

Is mutually beneficial hyphenated?

If the phrase is a verb, it is usually two words, such as “We will set up the experiment.” For example, “Our mutually beneficial arrangement helps us both.” “Mutually” modifies “beneficial,” not “arrangement.” One may also see the phrase “environmentally friendly appliances.” Avoid the hyphen for adverb/adverb phrases.

What does mutually beneficial mean?

Mutual benefit marriage between each associated with a business or relationship is simply defined as a contract or deal which includes both parties taking advantage of it. …

What does mutually advantageous mean?

Definitions of mutually beneficial. adjective. mutually dependent. synonyms: interdependent, mutualist dependent. relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed.

What do you call a mutually beneficial relationship?

The term mutualism refers to a relationship in biology or sociology that is mutually beneficial to two living things. Each participant in the mutualistic relationship is called a symbiont.

What is a good example of parasitism?

A parasitic relationship is one in which one organism, the parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death. The parasite lives on or in the body of the host. A few examples of parasites are tapeworms, fleas, and barnacles.

Are mutualistic relationships always equal?

By definition, each species involved in a mutualism must receive a benefit from the interaction, and that benefit usually comes at a cost (Bronstein 1994). However, mutualist partners do not necessarily receive equal benefits or incur equal costs.

What is a Commensalistic relationship?

Commensalism, in biology, a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter.

What are 5 examples of parasitism relationships?

5 Common Parasitic Animal Relationships

  • Ticks. via flickr/mislav-m. Ticks are arthropod parasites that live on the skin of their animal hosts.
  • Fleas. via petarmor.com. Another common parasitic animal relationship is between the flea and an array of warm-blooded creatures.
  • Leeches. via vernalpool.org.
  • Lice. via flickr/Gilles San Martin.
  • Helminths. via stanford.edu.

What does parasite mean?

A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.