What fraction is 2 4 equivalent to?

What fraction is 2 4 equivalent to?

Equivalent Fractions Chart

Unit Fraction Equivalent Fractions
1/2 2/4, 3/6, 4/8..
1/3 2/6, 3/9, 4/12..
1/4 2/8, 3/12, 4/16..
1/5 2/10, 3/15, 4/20,..

Which expression is the same as 10 4?

Answer. = 10/4 = 20/8 = 40/16 = 80/32…..

What is the meaning of 10 4?

Ten-codes, especially “10-4” (meaning “understood”) first reached public recognition in the mid- to late-1950s through the popular television series Highway Patrol, with Broderick Crawford. Ten-codes were adapted for use by CB radio enthusiasts.

Which expression is the same as 15 of 7?

If you mean “the fifteenth power of 7,” then your answer would be 7^15.

Which expressions are equivalent to Z +( z 6?

Hence the given expression z+ (z+6) is equivalent to the expression 2(z+3)

What is equivalent to J J 2k?

2jk is the same thing as 2 x j x k, while the original expression of j + j + 2k can only be simplified to 2j + 2k unless you know more information about the nature of the variables j and k.

Which expressions are equivalent to 2 4f 2g choose 3 answers?

  • Answer:
  • Option (a) and (d) are correct .
  • An equivalent expression to the given expression 2(4f + 2g) is 8f + 4g.
  • and 4 (2f + g)
  • Step-by-step explanation:
  • Thus, an equivalent expression to the given expression 2(4f + 2g) is 8f + 4g and 4 (2f + g)

What expression is equivalent to 4b?

Answer. the expression equal to 4b is 4×b. hope this may help you.

What are equivalent expressions?

Equivalent expressions are expressions that are the same, even though they may look a little different. If you plug in the same variable value into equivalent expressions, they will each give you the same value when you simplify. Learn more about equivalent expression by watching this tutorial!

Which expression has a value of 35 when P equals 7?

If you’re looking for the expression, it’s just 5p.