What happens after a section 47?

What happens after a section 47?

CSC may decide to hold an initial child protection conference if the Section 47 investigation decides that the child ‘has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm’. This is a multi-agency meeting chaired by an independent, qualified and experienced social worker of manager grade.

How long should care proceedings take?

26 weeks

What is Section 47 Mental Health Act?

The Secretary of State for Justice has issued a “transfer direction” under section 47 of the Mental Health Act 1983, which allows a sentenced prisoner to be transferred to hospital for treatment.

What is Section 48 of the Mental Health Act?

A Section 48 is also known as a “transfer direction”. A Section 49 is also known as a “restriction direction”. The restriction direction means that you cannot be discharged from hospital unless the Secretary of State says that you can leave.

What is Section 41 Mental Health Act?

Section 41 of the Mental Health Act 1983 It means that you cannot be discharged from hospital unless the Ministry of Justice or a Tribunal say you can leave, and your discharge may be subject to certain conditions that would be explained to you nearer the time.

What is Section 42 Mental Health Act?

Section 42 MHA 1983 allows a patient who has been or is subject to a criminal justice process, who has been detained on a restricted hospital order (section 37 or section 41 MHA 1983), to be conditionally discharged to receive community care, sometimes with conditions and restrictions attached.

How long does a section 37 41 last?

After your hospital order and restriction order has been in place for six months, you can also appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal to discharge you from detention. You can appeal again in any subsequent period of one year.

What is a Section 3 mental health patient?

This section allows for a person to be admitted to hospital for treatment if their mental disorder is of a nature and/or degree that requires treatment in hospital. In addition, it must be necessary for their health, their safety or for the protection of other people that they receive treatment in hospital.

What is Section 19 Mental Health Act?

19 Detention on certificate of medical practitioner or accredited person. (1) A person may be taken to and detained in a declared mental health facility on the basis of a certificate about the person’s condition issued by a medical practitioner or accredited person.

Who has rights under the Mental Health Act?

A designated carer for purposes of this Act is: the guardian of the patient; the parent of a patient who is a child, if the child is over the age of 14 years and is not a person under guardianship, a person nominated by the patient as designated carer is in force under this part of the Act; the spouse of the patient if …

What is Section 21 of the Mental Health Act?

Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW) s 21: ‘A police officer to whose notice …a request for assistance by an ambulance officer … is brought must, if practicable– (a) apprehend …’ and s 22: ‘A police officer … may apprehend …’ Public Health Act 2005 (Qld) s 157B: ‘… ambulance officer or police officer may detain the person …’

What is involuntary admission in mental health?

The criteria for involuntary hospitalization are as follows: patients must exhibit dangerous behavior toward themselves or others, they must be helpless and unable to provide for their basic daily needs, and there is a danger of “essential harm” to their mental health if they do not receive mental care.