What happens if Christmas falls on a weekend?

What happens if Christmas falls on a weekend?

If a bank holiday is on a weekend, a ‘substitute’ weekday becomes a bank holiday, normally the following Monday. If Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, the following Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays.

Is special working holiday with pay?

Under the pay rules of DOLE, employees who will be on duty during a regular holiday will get twice their regular pay for that event. In a special non-working holiday, a “no work, no pay” will be the rule.

What if the employee is absent before the holiday?

Rules on absences If an absent employee is paid the workday immediately preceding a regular holiday, then he/she is entitled to holiday pay. Conversely, if an absent employee is not paid the workday immediately preceding a regular holiday, he/she is not entitled to holiday pay.

How do you calculate monthly salary for employees?

For monthly-paid employees, here is how it is computed:

  1. (Basic Monthly Salary x 12) / (Total Working Days in a Year) = DAILY RATE.
  2. Important: The total working days in a year (TWD) may vary from one employee to another.
  3. Basic Salary: ₱ 23,000.
  4. Total Working Days in a Year: 261.
  5. (23,000 x 12) / (261) = ₱ 1,057.47.

How many hours do employees work per day?

8.8 hours

Do employees on probation have rights?

Probationary periods have no special legal status and employees who are on probation enjoy the same statutory employment rights as other staff. They are also entitled to the national minimum wage, statutory sick pay, rights under the working time rules and time off work in certain circumstances.

Can I be fired during probationary period?

If you’re on probation Being on probation doesn’t give you any specific legal rights. You can be dismissed with 1 week’s notice while you’re on probation – or longer if your contract says you’re entitled to more notice. Check your contract to see what it says about your probation period and when you can be dismissed.