What happens when both parties want the house in a divorce?

What happens when both parties want the house in a divorce?

If both parties want to keep the marital home, or they individually cannot afford the home by themselves, the home can be sold. The proceeds from the sale will be split based on the agreement the parties have reached in their divorce settlement, or the manner ordered by the court.

Do I have a right to stay in the marital home?

If the couple are married, the spouse not named as owner still has a right to stay in the home and ‘occupy’ it. They can register their Matrimonial Home Rights with the Land Registry. That will protect their interest in the home until the divorce is concluded.

Can your wife kick you out of your own house?

In California, it is possible to legally force your spouse to move out of your home and stay away for a certain length of time. One can only get such a court order, however, if he or she shows assault or threats of assault in an emergency or the potential for physical or emotional harm in a non-emergency.

Can my wife kick me out of the house we own?

No, your wife cannot throw you out of your own house just because she doesn’t want you living there anymore. Even if she wants you out because she intends to get a divorce, she cannot demand that you leave your own home.

How do I get my spouse to move out?

How to Make a Spouse Move Out During Divorce

  1. Try to come to an agreement with your spouse. Before pursuing action through your attorney and involving the court in your living situation, try talking to your spouse.
  2. Determine whether there are extenuating circumstances.
  3. Request an order for exclusive occupancy.

Should you move out of the family home during a divorce?

Do not move out of your home before your divorce is finalized. Legally speaking, it is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. The person who leaves, even if it’s because they’re shocked by the news that their spouse wants a divorce, is legally considered abandoning the family.