What is 2/3 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places?

What is 2/3 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places?

1 Answer. 23=0.67or0.667or0.667 etc.

What is 2/3 as a repeating decimal?

1 Answer. The repeating decimal for 23=0. ¯6 . 23=0.66666… , which can be represented by 0.

Is 2/5 a repeating or terminating decimal?

If they are made up of 2s and/or 5s, the decimal will terminate. If the prime factors of the denominator contain any other numbers, the decimal will recur. Some decimals are irrational, which means that the decimals go on forever but not in a pattern (they are not recurring).

What is 1/3 as a repeating decimal?

The Decimal Expansion of All Fractions (1/d) from 1/2 through 1/70

Fraction Exact Decimal Equivalent or Repeating Decimal Expansion
1 / 3 0.333 (Only 1 repeating digit)
1 / 4 0.25
1 / 5 0.2
1 / 6 0.666 ( 1/2 times 1/3)

What does 3 decimal places look like?

“Three decimal places” is the same as “the nearest thousandth.” So, for example, if you are asked to round 3.264 to two decimal places it means the same as if your are asked to round 3.264 to the nearest hundredth. Some questions, like the example below, will ask you to “show your answer correct to two decimal places.”

How do I mail to 2 decimal places?

If you want to round to two decimal places, use \#0.00 in your merge field. If you want the number to have a dollar sign before it (for anything that is money), use \#$# in your merge field.

How do I get rid of extra decimal places in mail merge?

To remove from all cents (decimals) in amount fields in a Raiser’s Edge Mail function:

  1. In the mail parameter (set-up), click on the Format tab.
  2. Highlight Miscellaneous in the left list.
  3. Unmark Show decimals.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If needed, click Merge or Send to Word merge wizard to proceed with mail merge.

How do I limit decimal places in mail merge?

In order to retain the two decimal places during mail merge, follow the instructions below: Press alt+f9 > Insert the field code \# “0.00” after the title of the merge field that needs to be limited to two digits after the decimal point.

How do I keep a percentage in a mail merge?

You can change the decimal fraction (eg 0.738) to a percentage (73.8) in Word. To do it embed the MERGEFIELD inside another Word field. This lets you multiply the number coming from Excel by 100 before formatting. Remember to press Ctrl + F9 to make the field – not the curly brackets on the keyboard.

Can you mail merge from Excel to Word?

Mail Merge from Excel to Word can be a real time-saver when it comes to sending large mailings. It lets you quickly create custom letters, emails or mailing labels in Word by merging the information you already have in your Excel spreadsheet.

How do I fix the date format in a mail merge?

Press [Alt] + F9 again. Position the cursor anywhere in this field and press the [F9] function key to update it. Or, right-click the field and choose Update Field. Preview the results to confirm the merge field displays with the formatting you want to see in the document for each of the mail merge records.

How do I mail merge percentages from Excel to Word?

Mailmerge – Percent in Excel Sheet converts to decmail in word document

  1. select your mergefield, which will look something like «Percent»;
  2. press Ctrl-F9 to wrap another field around it, thus { «Percent» };
  3. edit the field so that you get {=«Percent»*100 \# 0.00%};

How do I use mail merge in Word?

How to Use Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

  1. In a blank Microsoft Word document, click on the Mailings tab, and in the Start Mail Merge group, click Start Mail Merge .
  2. Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard .
  3. Select your document type.
  4. Select the starting document.
  5. Select recipients.
  6. Write the letter and add custom fields.

How do I format numbers in a Word mail merge?

To format a numeric merge field, use the \# switches. For example, to display a currency field as “$125.23”, the merge field should be defined as {MERGEFIELD myObject. myField \# $#,##0.00} . To format a date merge field, use the \@ switches.

How do I change the date format in a mail merge in Word 2007?

Microsoft Word: Modify the format of your dates when using the Word Mail Merge feature

  1. Perform the first different steps of the Mail Merge as usual (Start Mail Merge, Select Recipients and insert Merge Field)
  2. Select the date field you wish to change and press Shift+F9.
  3. The code of your Merge field is now shown.

How do I edit a mail merge template in Word?

In the Select the Word template for letters and labels screen, right-click on the document template you wish to modify and click Edit Template. Make the required changes and then click OK. Close the Mail Merge Wizard by clicking Cancel.

How do I remove a merge field in Word?

Removing Fields from Original Documents

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. Press CTRL+A on your keyboard to select all the text within the document.
  3. Right-click, then click Toggle Field Codes.
  4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F9 on your keyboard. This will remove the field codes, replacing them with the text they contained.
  5. Save the document.

How do I set the default date format in Word?

Understanding Default Insert Date Formatting

  1. Choose Settings from the Start menu.
  2. Choose Control Panel.
  3. Double-click on the Regional Settings applet. Shortly the Regional Settings Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click on the Date tab.
  5. Change the value shown in the Short Date Style field, as desired.
  6. Click on OK to close the Regional Settings Properties dialog box.