What is 2/5 as a decimal?

What is 2/5 as a decimal?

Fraction to Decimal Conversion Tables

fraction = decimal
1/2 = 0.5
1/3 = 0.3 2/3 = 0.6
1/4 = 0.25 3/4 = 0.75
1/5 = 0.2 2/5 = 0.4 3/5 = 0.6

What is the fraction of 5 6?

Decimal and Fraction Conversion

Fraction Equivalent Fractions
5/6 10/12 60/72
1/7 2/14 12/84
2/7 4/14 24/84
3/7 6/14 36/84

What is 5/6 As a percentage?


What is the lowest terms of 5 6?

Reduce 5/6 to lowest terms

  • Find the GCD (or HCF) of numerator and denominator. GCD of 5 and 6 is 1.
  • 5 ÷ 16 ÷ 1.
  • Reduced fraction: 56. Therefore, 5/6 simplified to lowest terms is 5/6.

What is 2 divided by 3 as a decimal?


What is the remainder of 5 divided by 3?

Using a calculator, if you typed in 5 divided by 3, you’d get 1.6667. You could also express 5/3 as a mixed fraction: 1 2/3. If you look at the mixed fraction 1 2/3, you’ll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (2), the denominator is our original divisor (3), and the whole number is our final answer (1).

What is 5/6 as a decimal?

Fraction to decimal conversion table

Fraction Decimal
2/6 0./td>
3/6 0.5
4/6 0./td>
5/6 0./td>

What does a ratio of 5 to 1 mean?

A ratio of 1:5 says that the second quantity is five times as large as the first. The following steps will allow a ratio to be determination if two numbers are known. Example: Determine the ratio of 24 to 40. Divide both terms of the ratio by the greatest common factor (24/8 = 3, 40/8=5)

What is 40% as a ratio?

Convert fraction (ratio) 40 / 100 Answer: 40%

What is the ratio 10 to 1?

For example, a 10:1 ratio means you mix 10 parts water to 1 part chemical. The amount of each liquid changes depending on the ratio used, and the size of the container.

What is a 1 to 20 ratio?

Dilution Charts and Conversion Tables

Dilution Ratio Ounces Per Gallon Percent
1:20 6.4 4.8%
1:24 5.3 4.0%
1:32 4 3.0%
1:40 3.2 2.4%

What is a 1 to 9 ratio?

The work. We will follow the following steps for converting a ratio to a percentage. Step 1: Rewrite as fraction 1:9=19=0.1111 Step 2: Multiply the fraction by 100 0.1111⋅100%=11.11% Answer 11.11%

What is a 1 in 10 dilution?

For example, to make a 1:10 dilution of a 1M NaCl solution, you would mix one “part” of the 1M solution with nine “parts” of solvent (probably water), for a total of ten “parts.” Therefore, 1:10 dilution means 1 part + 9 parts of water (or other diluent).