What is a crispy mom?

What is a crispy mom?

According to Urban Dictionary, ‘Crunchy Mom’ is defined as, A member of an increasingly growing group of moms who are neo-hippies. They generally believe (for varying reasons) that there is something bad or less beneficial about buying mainstream products or doing other common activities in the mainstream way….

What is a crunchy person?

Crunchy is a term used to refer to someone’s way of life. It generally means that someone adheres to a hippie-like lifestyle or has more liberal views about life….

What is the opposite of a crunchy mom?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a “silky” mom would grab disposable diapers over reusable, bottle feed over breastfeed, and typically relies on medical professionals instead of natural remedies. In other words, a silky mom is the opposite of a “crunchy” mom….

What are crunchy parents?

A crunchy mom is one who is willing to go against the grain and do what is best for her child. She willingly does her own research for pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding and baby wearing, vaccines and solid foods.

What is a granola girl mean?

Have you heard the term “granola girl” yet? Granola girls are earthy, eco-conscious, and a little “out there.” They’re “crunchy” counter-culture hippies, hence the name “granola,” but it’s hippie-lite. They’re progressive liberals who religiously recycle and compost, and they’ve probably tried veganism at least once….

What does calling someone granola mean?

Granola means health-focused lifestyle. The term is used as an adjective to commonly describe persons who are environmentally conscious and politically left-leaning. Vegans, environmentalists, tree huggers, and neo-hippies can all be classified as granola….

What is a granola hippie?

If you like coffee, own a hammock, and hike at least once a month, you might be granola. This term is defined in Urban Dictionary as “a new-age/more civilized hippie,” and my friend explained this is a term to describe all of us who show off their hiking-Instagram-worthy camp counselorness!…

How can a girl be granola?

How to Be a Girly Nature Lover (Crunchy Granola Girl)

  1. Try to go as plant-based as possible.
  2. Go as zero-waste as possible.
  3. Adopt a pet or a pet plant.
  4. Make a Nature-Inspired Lifestyle Design Blueprint. It’s fun!
  5. Use your blog as a platform to raise environmental awareness.
  6. Make a garden, terrarium, zen garden, or a piece of wearable nature.

What is a neo hippie?

A person who resembles or behaves like a hippie, or espouses an ideology like that of the hippies of the late 1960s and early 1970s (such as pacifism, use or tolerance of recreational drugs, etc.).

What is a hippie called today?

The Modern Day Hippies Nowadays, they are called bohemians or naturalists. You can read more about living a bohemian lifestyle or what it means to be a modern day hippie in these articles. Learn more about the movement in the trends and lifestyle sections here….