What is a example sentence?

What is a example sentence?

An “example sentence” is a sentence written to demonstrate usage of a particular word in context. An example sentence is invented by its writer to show how to use a particular word properly in writing. Example sentences are colloquially referred to as ‘usexes’, a blend of use + example.

What are the 3 sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders). Join us as we give examples of each!

What are the 2 types of sentences?

A simple sentence is the most effective way to deliver one main point.

  • COMPOUND SENTENCES contain two or more independent clauses.
  • COMPLEX SENTENCES have one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
  • COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentences have two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

What are type of sentences?

What Are the Four Types of Sentences?

  • Declarative sentence.
  • Imperative sentence.
  • Interrogative sentence.
  • Exclamatory sentence.

What are the 8 types of sentences?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Simple Sentence. a sentence with only one independent clause.
  • Compound Sentence. a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences.
  • Complex Sentence.
  • Compound-Complex Sentence.
  • Declarative Sentence.
  • Interrogative Sentence.
  • Imperative Sentence.
  • Exclamatory Sentence.

What are the 4 kinds of sentences with examples?

The 4 Types Of Sentences

  • Declarative Sentence. This is a statement that ends with a full stop. Example: The boys ate more than the girls.
  • Imperative Sentence. This is a command or a request.
  • Interrogative Sentence. This sentence asks a question.
  • Exclamatory Sentence. This expresses excitement and/or emotion.

What are the 5 kinds of sentences with examples?

  • Declarative Sentence (statement) Declarative sentences make a statement.
  • Interrogative Sentence (question) Interrogative sentences ask a question.
  • Imperative Sentence (command) Imperative sentences give a command.
  • Exclamative Sentence (exclamation)

What are exclamatory sentences?

An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotion or excitement. No big deal, but it can come across as a different kind of emotion, like anger or frustration. exclamatory sentence: You are amazing! In truth, exclamation marks are like sugar.

What are 10 examples of exclamatory?

Here are some examples of exclamatory sentences:

  • You were meant to be back yesterday!
  • Jeepers! You scared the life out of me!
  • We won!
  • This puzzle is driving me up the wall!
  • You’re adorable!
  • It’s a boy!
  • I’m really going to miss this place!

What are 4 sentences?

There are four sentence functions in English: declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative.

What is a question sentence?

In grammar, a question is a type of sentence expressed in a form that requires—or at least appears to require—an answer. Also known as an interrogative sentence, a question is generally distinguished from a sentence that makes a statement, delivers a command, or expresses an exclamation.

What are the 5 types of questions?

Let’s start with everyday types of questions people ask, and the answers they’re likely to elicit.

  • Closed questions (aka the ‘Polar’ question)
  • Open questions.
  • Probing questions.
  • Leading questions.
  • Loaded questions.
  • Funnel questions.
  • Recall and process questions.
  • Rhetorical questions.

Whats is a question?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a(1) : an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge. (2) : an interrogative sentence or clause. b : a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion : issue broadly : problem, matter.

What is question and answer?

Q & A is a situation in which a person or group of people asks questions and another person or group of people answers them. Q & A is short for ‘question and answer’. a Q & A session with a prominent politician. Quick word challenge.

What are simple questions?

Get to know someone by learning how they think Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island? If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be? If money was no object, what would you do all day? Where do you most want to travel, but have never been? What is your favorite memory?6 วันที่ผ่านมา

Where can I get questions answered?

Herein find some best sites where you can ask questions and get answers from real people online.

  • Answerbag.
  • Yahoo! Answers.
  • Blurt it.
  • WikiAnswers.
  • FunAdvice.
  • Askville.
  • Friendfeed.

How do you spell question and answer?

How Do You Spell Answer? English Spelling Dictionary

  1. Spelling of Answer: Answer is spelled a-n-s-w-e-r.
  2. Definition of Answer: An answer is a response to a question—either written or spoken.
  3. Pronunciation of Answer: Answer is pronounced ann-sur.
  4. What does answer mean?
  5. As a verb, answer can be used transitively and intransitively.