What is a gross person?

What is a gross person?

The definition of gross is something that is foul, crude or very bad. An example of gross is a person who curses every other word.

Does gross mean big?

large, big, or bulky. extremely or excessively fat. thick; dense; heavy: gross vegetation.

What is net and gross?

For individuals, gross income is the total pay you earn from employers or clients before taxes and other deductions. On the other hand, net income refers to your income after taxes and deductions are taken into account.

What does Gross mean in slang?

unpleasant, disgusting, offensive

What is another word for disgusting?

SYNONYMS FOR disgusting loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

How do you say disgusting in a nice way?


  1. revolting, repellent, repulsive, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, off-putting, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavoury, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious.
  2. North American vomitous.
  3. informal yucky, icky, gross, sick-making, gut-churning.
  4. British informal grotty.

Why does Gross mean disgusting?

gross (adj.) Its meaning forked in English. Meaning “glaring, flagrant, monstrous” is from 1580s; modern meaning “disgusting” is first recorded 1958 in U.S. student slang, from earlier use as an intensifier of unpleasant things (gross stupidity, etc.).

What is the word disgusting mean?

: causing a strong feeling of dislike or disinclination : causing disgust the food was disgusting a disgusting magazine a disgusting way to treat people.

How do you use the word disgusting?

Disgusting sentence example

  1. “Well there certainly are disgusting people,” thought Rostov as he entered.
  2. “The mob is terrible– disgusting ,” he said to himself in French.
  3. “I know you’re jealous, but this is disgusting ,” he said in a low voice so sharp she jumped.

What is another word for gross?

Gross Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for gross?

vulgar coarse
offensive bawdy
dirty filthy
improper unseemly
crass indelicate

Is forgotten a word?

Forgotten is the past participle of forget.

What is a forget?

1a : to lose the remembrance of : be unable to think of or recall I forget his name. b obsolete : to cease from doing. 2 : to treat with inattention or disregard forgot their old friends He’s now a forgotten hero.6 hari lalu

What does never forgotten mean?

adj having or seeming to have no end; interminable. never-never Informal.

How do you use forgotten in a sentence?

Use “forgotten” in a sentence | “forgotten” sentence examples

  1. Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.
  2. Pain is forgotten where gain follows.
  3. Sound love is not soon forgotten.
  4. What is soon learnt is soon forgotten.
  5. When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten.
  6. Old love will not be forgotten.
  7. I’ve forgotten my umbrella – what a nuisance!

What does I have forgotten mean?

You can say “I had forgotten”, which implies you have now remembered, and you can say “I have forgotten”, which means you still haven’t remembered.

What is the difference between forgot and forgotten?

“I forgot” is the simple past, expressing an action which took place once. “I had forgotten” is is the simple past perfect, used to express an action taking place before a certain time in the past. This tense emphasizes what happened, not the duration thereof.

What is the past perfect of forget?

The past tense of forget is forgot (archaic) or forgat (obsolete). The third-person singular simple present indicative form of forget is forgets. The present participle of forget is forgetting. The past participle of forget is forgotten or forgot (archaic).

What do you say when you forget something?

We forget things in different ways, and in English there are different phrases you can use to communicate that you forget something.

  1. “I lost my train of thought.”
  2. “It slipped my mind.”
  3. “It’s on the tip of my tongue!”
  4. “It doesn’t ring a bell.”
  5. “It went in one ear and out the other.”
  6. “Can you refresh my memory?”

What is the present perfect tense of forget?

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have forgotten
you have forgotten
he, she, it has forgotten
we have forgotten

What is the tense of forget?

Past Tense of Forget

Present Tense: Forget
Past Tense: Forgot
Past Participle: Forgotten
Present Participle: Forgetting

What is the third form of forget?

Conjugation of ‘Forget’

Base Form (Infinitive): Forget
Past Simple: Forgot
Past Participle: Forgotten
3rd Person Singular: Forgets
Present Participle/Gerund: Foregetting

Is it hit or Hitted?

(nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of hit.

Is put past tense?

Word forms: puts, puttinglanguage note: The form put is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. Put is used in a large number of expressions that are explained under other words in this dictionary.

What is swim in past tense?

Swim is an irregular verb; swam is the past tense of swim, while swum is the past participle.