What is an example of being lawful but unethical?

What is an example of being lawful but unethical?

For example, refusing to sit at the back of a bus or being refused service at a white only counter. Unethical but not illegal. Firing an employee without notice for no good reason. Lying to your boss to get a day off from work.

Can something be morally right but ethically legally wrong?

What is morally right but ethically wrong? Persecution on religious grounds is one of the most common examples of something that is morally right (or at least morally excusable) but ethically wrong.

Can law stop some unethical things?

In an illegal act, the decision-making factor is the law. For an unethical act, the deciding agent is the man’s own conscience. An unethical deed may be against morality but not against the law. An illegal deed is always unethical while an unethical action may or may not be illegal.

What are examples of immoral acts?

immorality Add to list Share. Immorality is evil, sinful, or otherwise wrong behavior. Immorality is often called wickedness and is a state avoided by good people. Since morality refers to things that are right, immorality has to do with things that are wrong — like stealing, lying, and murdering.

What are the types of immorality?

Ronald D. Milo questions the adequacy of Aristotle’s suggestion that there are two basic types of immorality–wickedness and moral weakness–and argues that we must distinguish between at least six different types of immoral behavior.

What is the difference between a moral and immoral?

Morals are the principles we follow that help us know the difference between right and wrong. When someone is immoral, they make decisions that purposely violate a moral agreement. Someone immoral, though, knows the difference and does bad stuff anyway, like that so-called friend who takes your utensils.

What is the difference between amoral and immoral actions?

amoral/ immoral Both have to do with right and wrong, but amoral means having no sense of either, like a fish, but the evil immoral describes someone who knows the difference, doesn’t care, and says “mwah ha ha” while twirling a mustache.