What is child support in California?

What is child support in California?

In California, child support is the amount of money that a court can order a parent or both parents to pay every month for the expense of raising a child (or children). A judge determines the amount of child support based on a state-wide guideline and will issue a child support order.

What is the law on raising rent in California?

Yes; you can raise rent after the lease expires. Holdover tenants are considered to have a month-to-month contract with you. This means you can increase rent by either 5% plus the local CPI or by 10%. You must give the tenant 60 days notice and can only increase rent twice a year.

What is a typical late fee for rent in California?


How long does it take to get evicted for not paying rent in California?

three days

Does late rent affect credit score?

Late fees add up and missing a rent payment can significantly impact your credit score. By law, your rent is due on the date that’s specified in your lease. Most landlords impose a late fee of five to 10 percent and report late payments to credit agencies after 30 days past due.

Is it OK to pay rent late?

Most rental agreements include a late fee clause. You might have to pay a late fee if you’re even a few minutes past the due date. Or, you might have a grace period of a day or two. If you pay on the second, you won’t have to pay a late fee, but your payment may still be flagged as a late payment.

What is a good reason to be late on rent?

A legitimate reason for a late rent payment, such as recent illness or injury, may help your situation if you talk with the landlord, but poor excuses such as holidays, spending too much money, or having other bills to pay are not likely to create any sympathy.

How do I ask for more time to pay my rent?

Here are some basic steps to take:

  1. Ask your landlord in writing (as far in advance as possible) for a few extra days.
  2. Explain your difficulties and emphasize (if you can) that they are only temporary.
  3. Offer (if at all possible) to pay at least some of the rent on time.

What is the standard fee for late rent?

The fee should be within a certain percentage of your rent. Your landlord is always on shaky ground if the late charge exceeds 5% of the rent. That’s $38 on a $750-per-month rental. Of course, if the rent is extremely late—say, ten days—a higher late fee, such as 10% of the rent, might be reasonable.

Does paying rent late affect your rental history?

When tenants apply for rental properties in the future their rent history will show the discrepancy. If you pay rent even a day late you are in breach of your tenancy agreement and can risk receiving a breach which could result in receiving a notice to leave.