What is considered a reasonable offer?

What is considered a reasonable offer?

A reasonable offer is one that leads to negotiation and an eventual sale. In other words: there is no simple answer and you will only know after the fact. A reasonable offer is one that leads to negotiation and an eventual sale. In other words: there is no simple answer and you will only know after the fact.

What comes first pending or contingent?

If all goes well, contingent deals will advance to a pending state. Pending deals are, quite simply, when a property is marked as pending and an offer has been accepted by the seller.

Can a pending sale fall through?

A sale that is “under contract” means an agreement has been made between the seller and buyer, but the sale is still subject to contingencies. In a “pending sale,” contingencies have lapsed, and the deal is near closing. A pending sale can still fall through if there’s an issue with financing or the home inspection.

Why would a house be pending for so long?

Reasons why pending offers can take longer There are a lot of mundane reasons a pending offer can just sit in limbo for months on end. Those include things like inspections, or a delay with the survey, appraisal, or even the homeowner insurance.

Can you still buy a house that is pending?

Buying a home with a pending sale is difficult – but not impossible. First, let’s go over what a pending sale means. Pending simply means that a buyer submitted an offer and the seller accepted. The buyer will need to cancel the sale first before the seller can consider your offer.

What is the difference between option pending and pending?

Pending means they are out of the Option Period to back out of the Contract due to repairs. It means if there where any problems the seller and the buyer have work thru them and Pending is the last stage before they close. Option Pending means that the transaction is still within the Option Period.

Why do houses go from pending to back on market?

1 The pending sale will go back to active if the loan is rejected due to a buyer’s impulse financing. It’s also possible that buyers might not have knowledge of liens or judgments filed against them. This can also affect their creditworthiness so the loan the buyer thought he had in place can ultimately be denied.

Whats the difference between pending and under contract?

The home is under contract and all contingencies have been removed (that is, the requirements met). Basically, a sale pending property is much closer to being sold than an under contract property. …