What is considered extracurricular activities for child support?

What is considered extracurricular activities for child support?

Extracurricular Expenses: these include sports, music classes, dance, art classes and some tutoring. Extracurricular activities are often the most contentious issue, as parents can have different opinions about whether or not an activity is necessary and reasonable for the children.

What counts as an extracurricular activity?

Extracurriculars refer to activities pursued outside of the classroom. Examples of extracurricular activities are: being a member of a sports team, serving as chief editor of your school newspaper, or playing in a regional orchestra. Working a part-time job and volunteering also count as extracurriculars.

What does child support actually cover?

Child support as assessed by the Child Support Agency formula is meant to cover all expenses for children including food, housing, schooling, clothing and extra-curricular activities. Any additional costs due to a child’s ‘special needs’

Can I deduct expenses from child support?

No. The IRS does not permit paying parents to deduct child support payments. Either parent, however, may qualify for a dependency exemption per child.

Can a child have insurance from both parents?

Health insurance plans are something you can have more than one of. And kids can have coverage under both parents’ health plans. When you are covered under two health plans, one plan is considered primary and the other is secondary.

Do married couples have to be on the same car insurance policy?

If you are married and living in the same household, Progressive and many other companies require you and your spouse to be covered on the same policy. But, if you’re living in separate households, then it’s OK and actually necessary to have separate policies because your vehicles are garaged at different locations.

How can I get my son off my car insurance?

The fastest and easiest way to get a kid removed from your car insurance policy is to exclude them as a driver. Not all preferred carriers allow excluded drivers, but if they do, this will get the child off your policy the easiest.

Will my insurance go down if I remove a driver?

In many cases people will decide that they will remove people from their insurance policy. This can affect your insurance rates positively or negatively depending on the age of the driver, and their driving habits. Removing them from your policy should lower your rates and cost to provide protection for your vehicle.

How much does car insurance go down after 1 year no claims?

The amount of discount earned increases with each year of claim-free driving. So after one year you might get 30%, with the percentage increasing each year until you get 70% NCD after five years.

What happens if someone wrecks your car and they aren’t on your insurance?

What happens if someone wrecks your car and they aren’t on your insurance? But if you can prove they weren’t given permission to drive or if they’re specifically excluded from your policy, then your insurance won’t cover them and they’ll be liable for the damage they caused.