What is good about Arkansas?

What is good about Arkansas?

There’s A Very Good Reason It’s Known As The Natural State. It doesn’t take long to realize that Arkansas is a bit greener than most places in the country. With a thriving natural environment, people in Arkansas love to stay active, hitting the trails and holding pretty much any event they can outdoors.

Is it illegal to honk your horn in Arkansas?

5. It’s illegal in Arkansas to honk your horn at a sandwich shop after 9 pm. This is likely because most of them are closed at this point & you’d be disturbing the peace…and you still wouldn’t get a sandwich.

What is the weirdest law in Arkansas?

The river may not rise higher than the bridge in Arkansas, and if it does, it’s going to jail. One call, that’s all! If you were injured in a car accident (or a cow accident), contact Morris Bart.

Can you legally beat your wife in Arkansas?

Originally Answered: Can a man really legally beat his wife in state Arkansas? No. There are lots of websites that say otherwise, but you have to notice that all of them fail to cite a statute or even case that makes it legal. That right there tells you the statement is a false and very tasteless “joke”.

Is it illegal to say Arkansas in Arkansas?

This law regulates how to say the name Arkansas. It’s a great law. It basically says that a person must pronounce the name of the state in a specific way. You can’t pronounce it ArKansas or Arkansasss.

What is the correct way to say Arkansas?

In 1881, the state’s General Assembly passed resolution 1-4-105 declaring that the state’s name should be spelled “Arkansas” but pronounced “Arkansaw”.

Why is Arkansas spelled that way?

Arkansas was named for the French plural of a Native American tribe, while Kansas is the English spelling of a similar one. Since the letter “s” at the end of French words is usually silent, we pronounce Bill Clinton’s home state “Arkansaw.” The French, however, left their mark on Arkansas’ pronunciation.

Why is Arkansas the land of opportunity?

Nicknamed the “Land of Opportunity,” Arkansas, which joined the Union in 1836, was the 25th state. The early French explorers of the state gave it its name, which is probably a phonetic spelling for the French word for “downriver” people, a reference to the Quapaw Indians and the river along which they settled.

Is Arkansas the Wonder State?

Brough, who traveled throughout the South and Midwest in the early 1920s, extolling the resources and attractions of what he dubbed “the wonder state.” In 1923, the association persuaded the Arkansas General Assembly to adopt formally the “Wonder State” as the state’s official nickname.

What was Arkansas called before the natural state?

The Land Of Opportunity

What is the wonder state?

Wonder State Former Arkansas Governor Charles H. Brough coined the term “the wonder state” as he traveled around the south in the 1920s waxing poetic about the magnificent bounty of resources and natural attractions that could be found in Arkansas.

What is Delaware’s nickname?

Blue Hen State

Which state is the Bear State?


Why is Delaware called the Small Wonder?

“Small Wonder” This nickname was given to Delaware due to its size and the contributions it has made to our country as a whole and the beauty of Delaware.

What was the 1st state in the US?


What are 3 interesting facts about Delaware?

Delaware Interesting Facts

  • First State. Delaware was the first state to ratify the federal Constitution — December 7, 1787, becoming the first state in the Union.
  • Second Smallest State.
  • Lowest State.
  • Fewest Counties.
  • Most Ph.D.s.
  • Only State Without a National Park.
  • One of the Oldest Churches.
  • First Flying of the Stars and Stripes Flag.

What was the 2 state?


What is the 28th state?

The bill was signed by President Polk on December 29, 1845, accepting Texas as the 28th state of the Union. Texas formally joined the union on February 19, 1846.