What is NetLaw?

What is NetLaw?

NetLaw is a revolutionary platform that helps customers quickly and affordably create their estate plans, using expert technology awarded by the American Bar Association for innovation.

Will or a trust?

A will is a legal document that spells out how you want your affairs handled and assets distributed after you die. A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which a trustor gives a trustee the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party.

What are digital assets in a will?

The answer is: it depends. “Digital assets” is a broad term that includes a range of electronic records — from social media accounts, to digital photos, to email, to online financial accounts. You can pass some types of digital assets through your will, but most digital assets transfer in other ways, or not at all.

Is a bank account a digital asset?

Digital assets are simply assets that exist online. Examples of digital assets you may own include: Social media accounts. Online bank accounts or investment accounts.

What are examples of digital assets?

Examples of digital assets include:

  • Photos.
  • Videos.
  • Design files.
  • Word documents.
  • PDFs.
  • Company branding.
  • Presentations.
  • Marketing content and collateral.

What happens to your digital assets when you die?

Digital Assets That Can Pass Through Your Will As a general rule, all digital assets that you own and that are transferrable will be included in your estate when you die. Transferable digital assets certainly include anything that is worth money, but they also include things that may have a more sentimental value.

How do you find assets after death?

If a loved one has died and you are the rightful heir, you should search to see whether there is unclaimed money or property in their name. You can do an almost-nationwide search at the free website www.missingmoney.com. You can choose to search a single state or all states that participate.