What is the Air Force weight requirement?

What is the Air Force weight requirement?

Air Force careers are often physically demanding. We maintain strict height and weight requirements throughout your career. Note that applicants must be a minimum of five pounds under their max weight. If the maximum weight for your height is 190 pounds, you must be 185 pounds or less.

What is the height and weight requirement for Air Force?

Must be no less than 64 inches short, and 77 inches tall when standing. Must be 34 – 40 inches tall when sitting. Must weight no less than 160 lbs. and no more than 231 lbs.

Do you lose weight in Air Force basic training?

Many people tend to lose weight when at Basic Military Training as you will be on your feet all day moving and burning calories at a higher than normal rate. The added PBJ sandwich can add extra calories to your meal and help you maintain body weight as well as provide energy for the long day of basic training.

What Asvab score do you need for the Air Force?


Which military branch is the hardest to get into?

the Air Force

Is a 95 Asvab score good?

Your AFQT scores are reported as percentiles which range 1-99. Your percentile score is based on the number of questions you answered correctly compared to other test takers. If you receive a percentile score of 95, you have scored as well or better than 95% of other test takers.

Do you have free time in basic training?

He writes; “During basic combat training are recruits allowed any free time away from training?” The answer to that Phillip is yes, we get roughly an hour each day for personal time to use to do laundry, things of that nature, write letters but mainly to prepare for the next day’s event.

Can you sneak your phone into basic training?

The only place you can feasibly hide a phone is in your personal drawer which is still prone to being rifles through by RDCs if they want to. You don’t want to be that guy who throws away his career just because of a cell phone.

Can you go home for Christmas during basic training?

The Army is the only branch of the military that honors the Christmas Exodus break for all recruits who are in basic training and AIT. Basically, the Army shuts down all of its training schools during exodus to allow their drill sergeants and instructors to have a break at Christmas.

Do you have to jump out of a plane in basic training?

No, only airborne jump from planes. Unless you sign up for it, they won’t make you jump.